Lol at the description for that mr beast photo…a whole team to make ai make a thumbnail.
I had a good laugh seeing his candy bars in a local supermarket at 70% discount and still not being sold.
Lol at the description for that mr beast photo…a whole team to make ai make a thumbnail.
I had a good laugh seeing his candy bars in a local supermarket at 70% discount and still not being sold.
I just wish i could buy and use cd’s still, the artists used to see more money and i got to use the music in whatever device i decided.
They might summom up a family super version and limit the family plan to 3 people, so you need super if you have 2 kids lol
I wouldn’t be too sure just yet, seeing how annoying youtube and it’s ads have gotten yet it isn’t replaced still.
We might have an increase, but plenty will never leave.
I doubt that will do anything at all tbh.
Businesses believe advertising works, i believe it’s just a way for other businesses to substract money from them.
I keep getting ads for polestar cars like i can afford that shit, or gambling like it’s something i do regularly (never have and never will) or i get ads for the exact basket i just paid for 2 minutes ago as if i need another load of it (i don’t, obviously).
This needs to be put to a stop, seriously.
I think we already came to that conclusion ourselves, Tiktok made us aware i think…leading to terms like brainrot and slop.
But it’s good to see it is recognized.
Apparently it’s a photo from “Cybertruck explosion outside Trump international hotel investigated for terror ties”
Scalpers i guess.
I’m contemplating getting a 7900xtx as it’s far more affordable, but apparently nvidia is also the better option for rendering and other tasks i use my pc for.
My 3070 isn’t cutting it anymore.
Most games gobble up that 8gb like it’s nothing.
I tried getting a 5080 yesterday, obv missed out.
Then i tried to get either a 4080 super or a 4090, which seemingly everyone else did too as they all sold out.
My 3070 isn’t cutting it anymore for me, i might just get a 7900 xtx or something as those are still available.
I knew about meds messing with your sex drive, been through that myself.
But you’re wrong though, because i do get to complain.
I never really read up on it, even though i should.
The wife’s chronically depressed and i’m not doing much better either.
Huh, ED caused by depression…never knew those were linked.
Interesting info, thank you.
Dafuq kind of insight do i gain from it…
It’s either this or cable, cable sucks.
So i’d rather adblock the hell out of them.
Youtube is like that bully that asks for your lunch money and when you say no, they slam you into a locker.
When you say no again, they start hitting you until you finally give that lunch money.
Once you do, they will show you the others are being abused harder when they demand more money from you.
I would love to contribute to the end of youtube.
To me, the value of youtube and it’s music is far below the €18 it costs to get me and my wife ad free. My internet costs roughly that and offers a lot of possibilites, so why should i pay double for a service that supplies about 1 millionth of what the internet itself has to offer, especially considering my wage has barely changed while i watch my rent and groceries triple in cost.
Y’all need to realize there is an end to my money, you can’t keep taking.
I’m also in the Netherlands, i found them at the Albert Heijn near me and that shit ain’t moving here.