There’s tons of alternatives out there now that are as good or better.
If he gets it then clearly it will be the Confederate States ChatGPT.
There’s tons of alternatives out there now that are as good or better.
If he gets it then clearly it will be the Confederate States ChatGPT.
Good thing I pirate all their shit already if I want it.
I stopped paying for Amazon Prime over a year ago once they announced similar bullshit with their video service.
Once Disney dropped subscription sharing… I started downloading their shit too.
Now i’m left with Netflix and Crunchyroll. I’m this close to axing netflix. Crunchyroll is kinda shit but at least it’s cheap.
This almost certainly will go nowhere.
Can confirm, lead feasted.
It’s a shame that you can’t copyright the output of AI, isn’t it?
Antarctica, clearly.
I say that the executive branch has not been given the power to create laws or judge whether or not they are legal… but that seems to be what his administration has unilaterally decided is true now.
The laws are on the books. They should be implemented in good faith by the executive branch. This is not being done.
It shall be unlawful for a person to discharge genetic material
Genetic Material is DNA. Dry skin falling off is technically discharging genetic material. As is bleeding…
Technically a woman would be grossly violating this with every period… or by giving birth.
(4) This section shall not apply to the discharge of genetic material: … ( b ) Discharged with the use of a contraceptive or contraceptive method intended to prevent fertilization of an embryo.
So basically it’s illegal to do so without the intent to fertilize an embryo… unless doing it as part of a contraceptive method? Isn’t abstinence - e.g. not having sex - a legitimate method?.. wouldn’t masturbation be a way to manage abstinence?
on behalf of Israel
Not exactly a good argument to discredit them saying it is not a nazi salute. An organization working on behalf of israel is unlikely to support nazi behaviors, no?
I’m not making any claims about the ADL beyond having some serious doubt that they would go along with nazi-ism.
ny times links are cancer.
There’s a cvs near me in a very affluent shopping area that locks up all the bars of chocolate and candy so that kids don’t steal them and take them to the movies.
In Boston a ton of shit is locked up at most convenience stores because the homeless population keeps growing and nobody wants to pay for shelters.
Imagine how much it would cost for these companies to import through their supply chains some exceptionally cheap necessary goods to hand out for free to anybody who wants them.
People with any kind of money aren’t going to be using shit quality stuff but people who need it to survive will gladly take something that works well enough. It’s not like they’re stealing rolexes or luxury clothes when they go for that pack of socks.
I’m so confused by some of the stuff in this thread. I still use my sonos stuff and never even noticed the update beyond seeing that the UI changed a little at some point. I know people had some issues but I never stopped being able to do what I wanted with my beam, sub and a couple of satellite speakers in other rooms.
I use streaming services for music when i’m not using it for the TV too. I usually use the streaming apps themselves rather than the sonos app to do anything. I have set some custom EQ stuff with their app, but that’s understandable.
I don’t think they are anything special and they are very expensive things for what they do, but my problems are very few and far between. Every now and then my beam doesn’t get commands from HDMI via my TV… and the TV is always the issue (it’s old.) That’s really it. I’m not in love with the stuff and when it’s time to replace it i’ll look at what else is out there, but I don’t hate it either.
I’ve been paying $30/year for like a decade now. Totally worth it.
They want them to breed.
They think blocking porn sites one by one is going to stop guys from getting access to porn. Haven’t they heard of bit torrent? tor? proxies and vpns? What are they going to do about foreign sites and sites that have mixed content like reddit?
Ridiculous law.
Hey, he’s a billionaire. Being gay is only illegal if you’re poor like everything else.
Spotify is an evil company. They’ve started adding fake songs in to pay themselves instead of paying royalties to real artists.
Jellyfin is absolute dogshit though.
Sauce: I just installed it on my media server that concurrently runs plex. I run the app on a fire tv cube to use it… and it crashes* constantly.
Edit: More stuff :)
-My media library when imported immediately showed seasons of shows as separate shows, it doesn’t intelligently automatically merge it like Plex would.
-Subtitle options are not consistent or robust. I MUST have subtitles due to having a multilingual family which is largely ESL, if they speak English at all. This is the problem I tried moving to jellyfin to fix.