Well apparently renting one out is to you, I’m just following your logic.
Well apparently renting one out is to you, I’m just following your logic.
So what is the proper method in your mind?
If they sold it they’d be scumbag real estate agents, since we’re apparently taking everything to extremes.
Dude, they explained perfectly well how they ended up with two houses. 2 people had houses, they got married and only needed one. They weren’t preying on people, it just happened to them.
‘It’s also kind of ick too” Jesus Christ
Refusing to buy things is one of the few ways we have to protest businesses. Your whole comment reeks of naivety, similar to people to who have never read history and believe in peaceful revolution. lol
They’ll just start a conspiracy that the democrats killed them and vote even harder conservative. Their brains are molded and crystallized, they aren’t fuckin’ changing lol
Because vaccines aren’t “killing another person”, even though the lack of them DOES kill people, children especially.
Aaaand we just found another contradiction lmfao
As Hank Green said: They won’t start caring until the children start dying. He points to evidence that says that, vaccination rates decline due to mistrust or “health”, then kids start dying and they rise again. He uses multiple countries as historical examples, it’s great.
I don’t know, man. Seems to me conservatives let shit like that fester, while ignoring it (or further festering it) while they do the real dirty work in buried headlines.
They let us have the fun while they quietly pull everything out from under us.
But, at the same time, it’s just going to happen. People are frustrated with very little perceived outlet.
Is this horseshoe theory? lol
America has been doing it since day 1. lol
Or they should start viewing America as a rogue nation bent on taking the land of others. 👀
You seriously think that I’m to the point of asking those questions, but I haven’t considered voting? lmfao
Jesus fucking Christ, I have voted in every single election I’ve had the opportunity to. Miss me with that dEmOcRaCy bullshit.
“Funk up the authoritarian machinery at every turn possible.”
I’ll bring the drums 😎
Jokes aside, that sentence is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. “How can I cause the most disruption with the least harm?” lmfao No good answers yet, but I’ll keep pondering 🤔🫡
I agree, what’s that timeline look like for you though? 4 years? 8 years? The “wait” is gonna fuckin’ suck.
Crossing my fingers for the first trans president, though.
How does your city produce enough trash to justify pickups twice daily? That’s fuckin’ wild lol
What are we supposed to do? Vote? Protest? I think you’ve seen how effective those are.
So do you have any proposals? What exactly are we supposed to do?
Because they’re very dumb.
Brain chip malfunction lol
Yo that’s the exact line of reasoning I used to get my dad to be more union friendly. I think it’s pretty effective.