I was really hoping someone else said it already, but… is this really “Technology news”? It’s about a billionaire and advertising on his social media website.
Here to read the internet.
I was really hoping someone else said it already, but… is this really “Technology news”? It’s about a billionaire and advertising on his social media website.
Some of us still think Yugoslavia is on the map somewhere! I can’t find it! Where is it?!
Honestly even if Biden “wins” it won’t matter at all to people on both sides. Even if Biden “wins” it’s still going to remind his voters that he’s way too old. And for trump voters, trump could walk up there and vomit on himself and they’d cheer him on as their leader.
I know it’s not “apples to apples” but swapping giant forktruck batteries (I assume they were lead-acid) has been done for decades too. I think we did it at Sam’s Club, at least for when the batteries wouldn’t charge.
yeah, crazy headline, should be “20% of americans are completely oblivious to rising food costs”
I think the title is referring to the chance of 2 existing replacements, not packing the court.
Wouldn’t you have court fees to pay too?
So, funny story, as a kid my favorite number was 8, had a few reasons that matched 8.
So I always used it in names and such. But, often it wasnt unique, so I used 88 instead. Emails, account names, even video game characters have 88 in them to this day.
… Am I accidentally a Nazi?
RPi6 XL Plus - ad free
let’s go GenTwo!!
Don’t try it! You’ll regret it.
I switched my kids’ PCs to Pop!_OS and other than “icons moving” yeah they didn’t notice.
Especially when they mostly use Firefox and Steam, and those are exactly the same.
Not to be that guy but I cold-turkey switched daily driver and I cannot believe I didn’t do it earlier. Total amateur “copy-paster” and the only thing I sometimes can’t get working are pirated games. Steam changed everything for gaming.
I still love that verification can reference. It was actually quite a bit ago but keeps getting more and more relevant.
I’m one of the weirdos that like ME… sure, I reformatted a few times. But i liked it!
like when the collective world went outside at the same time when Pokemon Go launched. Our quiet downtown area was amazing to walk through. all those people.
I tried playing it, at least a year after release? And within minutes I had no idea what I was supposed to “do” to where to “go” - it just dropped you. I mean to a point that’s “open world”, a genre I enjoy, but something was just missing.
I agree with you, but, it is titled “get rid of landlords”.
With pineapple
I have the 3440x1440 Alienware with PopOS (gnome). Like others have said it doesnt support HDR, but the monitor still looks amazing. VRR works fine, which to me was more important (but possibly because I’ve never actually used HDR before, even on Windows PCs).
You can’t miss what you never had! But now that I have OLED i could never go back to IPS/VA…