What is the skeuomorphism here? Because I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
What is the skeuomorphism here? Because I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
That’s a plus. I drove a hire car with a joystick/dial/button thing that could control the touch screen. It was so much easier to pay attention to driving while controlling something on screen. With touch screens you need to watch your finger as you press because there’s no tactile feedback.
Ultrasonic wireless communication has been a thing for years. The scary part is you can’t even hear when it’s happening.
Sad story.
That’s enough money to have a good life and provide a good life to your loved ones. If he never finds it, he is a crazy man. If he finds it he is a smart man. A normal person can’t earn that much in a lifetime. Even a miniscule chance of finding it could drive someone to obsession.
For the sake of his sanity, and for a good story, I hope he finds it, but I doubt he will.
“unplugged nation” is certainly one way to describe what happened. The monkey very briefly became part of the electricity grid, is another.
“The best way to run arch is to have a second non-arch computer at all times”
I think that sums it up
I doubt car manufacturers offer the ability to jailbreak their car OS to independent repair shops.
You’re looking for a hacker, not a dude who changes oil.
I doubt there would be any auto shops that can reliably deal with software side elements that aren’t the dealership, and the dealership would refuse.
They did exactly that, except they changed the name of the original subscription to “classic” and upgraded everyone to the more expensive plan without asking.
This is actually illegal in some countries, and I hope they get fined for it.
I don’t think people are yearning for a dystopian future.
I think all of those applications will, or already have, develop independently of something like Facebook metaverse. If anything meta is taking those useful applications and trying to turn it into a household product that nobody needs.
I’ll agree on the Vala stuff, and I never liked that character.
Outside of that, I think you are definitely picking and choosing what you are paying attention to to support your agenda. O’Neill 100% flirts with Carter, and both Teal’c and Jackson get the muscles out plenty of times. Jackson is naked showing off the gymwork several times. Any time where women are treated like crap is pro-feminism because the women successfully stand up for themselves. This is the show that began with Carter dressing down a room full of Airmen for being sexist, and several times over the course of the show male characters stand up for female characters or give them the room to perform as equals. The main sexual content in the franchise is in SGU, which includes gay relationships.
How is it sexist? Samantha Carter is one if the great depictions of women in sci fi.
Also I don’t remember any homophobia. The topic of sex or orientation was rarely brought up on the show. In the 19 seasons and 3 movies of the franchise there is exactly one sex scene, and fans were upset that the show did it at all.
It is known that SG-1 had an impact on USAF enlistments. The show got a good deal on access to military assets for filming, but they weren’t under duress to change the show at the behest of the USAF. The deal was that an adviser would give them notes, and they chose to adhere to the notes or not. I think as the show got more futuristic they had less of a deal with them.
I know this is a 2 minutes of hate thread, but Richard Dean Anderson got the same for his work on the TV show Stargate SG-1, which I thought was pretty cool.
I’m not Amercian, or Canadian, so I don’t really understand the feelings towards military, but if I was an actor and they gave me a cool lapel pin I’d be pretty happy.
The quote is misquoting the analogy. It is an infinite number of monkeys.
The point of the analogy is about randomness and infinity. Any page of gibberish is equally as likely as a word perfect page of Shakespeare given equal weighting to the entry if characters. There are factors introduced with the behaviours of monkeys and placement of keys, but I don’t think that is the point of the analogy.
Why wasn’t RSS as popular as the original Twitter?
I’m not sure what the answer is, but I suspect it’s the same answer.
I thought it was a great idea for official statements. Kind of like a new type of RSS feed.
Local transport companies can advertise delays, meteorology organisations can advertise natural disasters, police can post active missing person alerts, etc.
But it seems like it is just vapid narcissists thinking other people give a shit about their random thoughts.
Because touch screens are cheap and put the onus of design onto the programmers of apps.
I’m my country they made it illegal to market fast food directly to kids. It may not be a choice, it may be regulatory.