He’s also strangely against lab grown meat… which I just flat out don’t understand. It’s unproven on whether or not it’s even economically viable… and PA is famous for scrapple. So I mean… calling anything else slop is confusing.
One of them Carpenter nerd types.
He’s also strangely against lab grown meat… which I just flat out don’t understand. It’s unproven on whether or not it’s even economically viable… and PA is famous for scrapple. So I mean… calling anything else slop is confusing.
That is/was the plan, I was just wondering what insights people who actually know about privacy stuff would have overall. And I have been educated nicely thanks to a bunch of the folks on here.
I rotate my password every 6 months at this point. It’s about as secure as a human who wants to remember a password could be. It’s 20+ characters with all the various password needed inclusions.
And yeah, I can access it through an external application without issue. But if I ever want to change settings or make new email rules it becomes an issue.
Fairly sure Gmail wasn’t around 28 years ago.
Oh no, I can’t believe that Elon would just give shameless content straight to asmon like that… Wait stop, don’t make a video about getting unchecked on Twitter because the owner got mad and unchecked you tor calling him out on his silly video game stuff. I’m sure the video won’t at all be a viral hit…
Slathered in secret sauce
It’s not satire?
One of the very firest things I looked into when I learned about midjourney was look into the copyright matters pertaining to Ai generated art. Saw that it’s not really copyrightable, and then started using the search feature on their discord to find prompts by others for the junk I wanted.
I suppose that do have that plausible deniability for now, though I know at least one of them isn’t using official Nintendo hardware. Conveniently the same one who “moved to New Zealand” a day before totk came out as they could play on stream ‘legally’ a day early.
Oh. Joy. I am certain the Mario odyssey modders who have been showcasing hide and seek along with prop hunt as ways to play the game with friends after enjoying the official experience will appreciate their hard work being flagged and demonitized.
Can’t wait for Nintendo to go after the romhackers after this, and eventually cleanse all of the internet of their IP, causing people to just not know or care about their IPs anymore. Please Nintendo, figuratively shoot yourself in the face more.
I can only hope this ‘case’ is quashed so hard into the stone age it comes from that it weakens copyrights worldwide.
Eeeeh, it’s still technically possible.
Sorry if any of that was insulting, it wasn’t meant that way it’s just that a relatively small regional business being as high on the list as it is quite an outlier. The international mega corporations should be able to use their resources to gain collective bargaining agreements for their employees benefit packages. job opportunities, etc. that should at the very least rival that of what a company making significantly less annually can manage.
Comparing the profit of In-N-Out in 2023 (545mil) to the profit of on the giants like Microsoft (72.7bil)… it just doesn’t make sense that a company profiting that much more with ‘only’ 5x more workers can’t even breach the top 10 of the listing. That’s the dystopian part of this. At least Google was in the top 10, but the ratio there is even worse.
The thing that shocked me is that a regional burger joint is out performing the worlds most influential, giant corporations that basically rule over nearly every aspect of our daily lives in many ways. The dystopia here is not that burger flipping shouldn’t pay a living wage, it’s that if you can get the benefits In-N-Out gives as a relatively small regional burger joint… gosh those giant bloated corporations sure are dystopian.
Take a step back and realize it the other way around. A burger chain is the SECOND BEST EMPLOYER by study of 400 companies, likely including many of the fortune 500. The issue isn’t that it’s a burger place, that in and of itself really shows how dystopian how the rest of the pool is. It’s not in spite of In-N-Out, it’s In-N-Out showing what employment should mean. If a burger chain can do it… why can’t… everyone?
I’ll admit, I saw the numbers on the right side and assumed they were annual salary before actually waking up enough to read it.
I get that dude! That’s why I left it very ambiguous on what the viewer might be paying for, simply that they would be more likely to spent after having seen the thing than not!
Take away the pirates and they’ll have to pay!
Or people will just not watch movies… Which is far far worse than the pirates as there will be no drive to watch new movies. Having viewers, even if they don’t pay immediately doesn’t mean those people won’t eventually become paying viewers. A non-viewer will never pay.
I should also probably mention the last movie at a theater I went to see was ‘the boy and the heron’, and that was the last piece of movie media I’ve watched.
It used to just be one, but they upped their system requirements awhile back. And again more recently it seems. The first was dropping 32 bit processor support as it accounted for something close to 60% of all crashes with less than 5% of the playerbase running a system that old. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but one of the devs who works on optimizing everything and bug hunting made a comment on his stream many moons ago.
On paper it totally should be. I mean, you’re not growing animals, just the parts you want to eat in a vat.
But well, in actuality it may follow the same path as vertical farming.