Why do you think the ad network wouldn’t handle it similar to how payment platforms already handle sales/VAT?
Why do you think the ad network wouldn’t handle it similar to how payment platforms already handle sales/VAT?
It’s actually pretty easy to know which country an IP belongs to. ARIN, RIPE, etc all keep public databases tracking what ASN blocks are allocated to each country.
No, it’s pretty much only you thinking that. The rest of us were thinking about the 6 tiny bones in the ears only used for hearing or dozens of weird little bones in the wrists and ankles.
They weren’t dependable is the problem. There were a lot of problems with early deterioration of the battery, supposedly from not having very good temperature control on the battery pack.
If you care about that, spinning rust is not the right solution for you.
No, because it comes from personal experience working in cybersecurity.
I support most of what Lena Khan has done, but this is stupid. Cybersecurity features should be built into the base package of all cloud products. The fact that so many charge extra for them is and always has been bullshit. It’s like trying to sell a car but charging extra to include seat belts and air bags.
The complaint should be that they’re selling a product that is unsafe in its base offering.
Looking at this, the vast majority of them are adults: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_by_death_toll
The far bigger reason is that most don’t survive to be prosecuted.
NIST has been saying since 2016 not to use SMS for MFA. It’s always been horribly insecure.
They seem to be real hit or miss. I also have 2 6TB barracudas that have 70,000 power on hours (8 yrs) that are still going fine.
Avoid these like the plague. I made the mistake of buying 2 16 TB Exos drives a couple years ago and have had to RMA them 3 times already.
No, because that’s when the olds took it over.
Global warming increases the likelihood of the polar vortex destabilizing, which is what caused the last clusterfuck.
Germanium and gallium are not that rare. They’re produced as a byproduct of other types of mining (zinc, aluminum, coal, etc). China has a monopoly on them not because of any kind of special geology, but because they were willing to sell them below cost for decades.
It won’t take long for alternative sources to spin up and become available, especially because China has been threatening to do this for over a year.
Because it’s Microsoft and they have to compulsively rename things every few years.
They’re also one of the companies trying to destroy the NLRB.
There will 100% be a policy to disable it. Microsoft may shit on their retail users, but there’s no way they’d force it on their enterprise clients. It’s a security and compliance nightmare and they know it.
People remember the parody, which is usually modified to be more recognizable. Like Darth Vader never said “Luke, I am your father”; in the movie it’s actually “No, I am your father”.
This isn’t a new issue. Wolfram alpha has been around for 15 years and can easily handle high school level math problems.
There actually are rules. They’re just complicated because English prefers to preserve the pronunciation of loan words without changing their spelling and English has a ton of loan words. If you ignore them, native English words are fairly consistent.