torbrowser-launcher (found in the extra repo) simply downloads Tor Browser from torproject.org, unless you use some AUR version of Tor Browser that recompiles it, you are getting the exact same TB as you would by manually downloading it.
Autistic danish baby-commie. Also a cat.
torbrowser-launcher (found in the extra repo) simply downloads Tor Browser from torproject.org, unless you use some AUR version of Tor Browser that recompiles it, you are getting the exact same TB as you would by manually downloading it.
Becuase creepjs uses JS to figure out the userAgent, WorkerNavigator.userAgent
Trust me, I spent 3 years in the Tor community I know this shit, this thing comes up so often.
Alternatively: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/41610
That would be a fail of the fingerprinting protection
It isn’t.
A properly set up TOR browser for example should not allow that detection by any means.
Yes it should, through Javascript. https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/26146#note_2649490
“It’s a spy balloon that didn’t do any spying”.
Yes it is. Since what the arch repos have is a script to download TB from torproject.org
You’re thinking of F-Droid (on Android), at least that is what the Guardian Project repo is for.