And every teenager on the planet. Granted teenagers are huge narcissists, but they are supposed to be.
And every teenager on the planet. Granted teenagers are huge narcissists, but they are supposed to be.
Honestly, that is just maturity. I read the daughter to be in their 20s and I hope they are because then I can excuse it. If they are in their 40s, we’ll then that is just sad. I certainly looked down on my poor family when I was younger, now that I am older I treat it more as a lesson of how far I have come with hard work and gratefulness for being able to escape it.
As someone who is moderately successful and lives in a major Metropolitan area but had a poor, country upbringing; I get it.
I have tried taking my parents to nice upscale restaurants, both so that they could experience something they otherwise would never have been able to and also as a showcase to them of my success. It was very clear that they did not fit into those environments and I have since stopped trying to bring them up and just meet them where they are, but I do get it.
Good thing the world didn’t lose anything valuable.
Plus it is recycled. They would only replace what is lost due to evaporation or after a drain and cleaning.
I do. The same thing we have been doing with it this entire time storing it in underground bunkers. Unlike the propaganda, the waste from nuclear is rather small and unlike pollution from fossil fuel plants, it is easily contained however much longer living. The benefit still out weigh the cost of managing disposal. The reality is that there is plenty of uninhabited land on the planet where nuclear waste can be stored and isolated for thousands of years. One day, hopefully, we will have fusion power which won’t generate waste. And perhaps, someday we will also figure out how to permanently disposal of the nuclear waste. In the mean time, storage is a fine solution that far out weighs polluting the atmosphere with burning things.
If all fossil fuel power plants were converted to nuclear then tech power consumption wouldn’t even matter. Again, it was the oil industry that railroaded nuclear power as being unsafe.
You got it admit, it is a good suggestion. It just wasn’t the right one. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together. Since those are very commonly associated together it is certainly a logical choice.
Up next on SlowMoGuys…
Oh, buddy. Everyone laughs at you all the time. That time was just to you face.
That idiot is the reason I dropped Spotify. I don’t want my money funding such a dipshit.
That second part isn’t really true. Many cars now have cellular modems in them to provide WiFi and infotainment features. That means there is already a remote access capability in those vehicles. Disabling a modern vehicle with software is easy enough as the spark is controlled by the cars computer. So having a built-in feature to allow a remote actor to limit or disable the vehicle’s spark isn’t a big leap.
Luckily, most articles still mention Twitter because X is such a stupid fucking name. So I bet blocking on the word Twitter would still remove 90%.
In the spirit of my previous comment, I like to start with a swift kick to the balls and then take it from there. I find that hot headed punks that want to pick fights have a lot less fire when their balls are throbbing.
Some advice to anyone who is defending themselves in a fight: ALWAYS fight dirty. Rules are for the ring. If someone is attacking you, put them down however you need to. The “Gentleman’s Code” isn’t a real thing.
It’s too bad he didn’t. Then we could have pried it out of his cold dead hands and saved the tax payers a lot of money.
I guess I should clarify what I meant. His SEAT will be occupied by a freshman, which means that Kentucky will now be represented by a freshman Senator with no power as opposed to a Senate leader with way too much power. In other words, Kentucky is fucked as soon as he croaks.
At this point, we all know anything the GOP puts forward will be worse than the last. The nice thing about ol’Turtle kicking-it is that his replacement will be a freshman without the power to control the Senate that turtle did.
That is not at all what he said. He said that creating some arbitrary benchmark on the level or quality of the AI, (e.g.: as it’s as smarter than a 5th grader or as intelligent as an adult) is meaningless. That the real measure is if there is value created and out out into the real world. He also mentions that global growth is up by 10%. He doesn’t provide data that correlates the grow with the use of AI and I doubt that such data exists yet. Let’s not just twist what he said to be “Microsoft CEO says AI provides no value” when that is not what he said.