• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • there’s a lot of abbreviations in the article that I don’t understand or know lol. what’s a BEV? HPEV? etc.

    Good article tho. From my limited view prices definitely are a huge limiting factor for electric vehicles, though they brought up a good point about the charge times. I guess if people treated it like their phones (charge every night) then it wouldn’t be a problem?

    Honestly not surprised that demand has dropped for them though. Anyone who was interested in it has either decided it’s not worth it or already has one. Price puts them out of most people’s budget, and with rising costs and stagnant wages, people can’t really afford to take on monthly payments anymore. The environmental friendliness of them is heavily marketed, but won’t bring into effect the large scale, immediate change we need to slow climate change. Plus there’s the whole Tesla thing with delayed shipping and paywalling features built into software (admittedly not up to brush with Tesla tho).

    For a while they were a new, impressive technology, and while I still think they’re cool, until they become very, very cheap and accessible, I won’t be getting one. The fad is starting to die out.

  • I’m concerned you seem to imply here that we require some abstract deity to determine what our moral guidelines should be. Take the following hypothetical: if it was proven tomorrow beyond any reasonable doubt that no deity exists or has ever existed and all religious texts were hogwash written by crazed lunatics, would it be ok then to go out and do whatever you felt like, whether that was murder, robbery, or something else?

    In other words, is it solely a belief in a deity that is keeping you from going out and committing extremely immoral acts?

    To answer your question though, you would use philosophy, of which science and statistics play a role, and common sense. It doesn’t take a genius philosopher to figure out that maybe we shouldn’t randomly kill other people.