We should make a server that has a database of all these numbers and let’s you do lookup queries in real time. And we could make that process part of the protocol stack that every device uses.
I think you just invented DNS DNS, or Meta-DNS, MDNS? 🤣
We should make a server that has a database of all these numbers and let’s you do lookup queries in real time. And we could make that process part of the protocol stack that every device uses.
I think you just invented DNS DNS, or Meta-DNS, MDNS? 🤣
In years past, CBC (Canada) had a very nice website with schedules and the videos of full events all organized by event. I don’t recall the coverage being overly edited or filled with fluff commentary or only covering the “big” names/events, but seemed pretty broad and unbiased and boring-in-a-good-way. It was really nice. Highly recommended.
A simple VPN to a Canada exit point is all you need. And I guess a plugin or script to download the videos if you wanted them offline. But since you can browse to any event on any day and watch when you want you really don’t need to download anything.
You’ve heard of CamelCase and lowercase and intVariableName variable naming styles. Get ready for:
for (int Taiwan == 0; Taiwan < HongKong; Taiwan++) { int TianamenSquare == 0; … }
(Unplugs external drive)
“I deleted them.”
“You deleted all of them?”
“Yep, not on the website anymore. See.”
“Ok… Good… But I’m watching you.”
I’ve been waiting for a Dark Mode for VLC for over a decade. It’s absurd. Yes I know some skins sorta do that, but they all suck because they change everything around and remove buttons and options instead of just making the default UI darker.
Will it be before or after Star Citizen?
Here he lies, wasted, broken. No words or art, just a token. Could have helped to make one smarter, now is nothing but a martyr.
We met you only just at noon, A friend like Tim we barely knew. Taken from us far too soon, Yellow Standard #2.
Hear me out. Bottle caps.
Right? And what would end up happening is losing the break, but still having to work til the same end time. Ugh.
Keep your damn smoothies! Give us back our mines!
“Give me a break” is probably what all the workers are saying.
Who the hell wants to work through lunch and not get a break? Who the hell thinks that’s more productive or better in any way?
No! We want to work more for less benefits!!! Let’s just skip nourishment and a brief rest, that won’t backfire at all. /s
I don’t think even possessing a physical CD or DVD counts as “owning” per our legal system. No? Even that is considered leasing the right to play the thing at will, but you still don’t own anything.
Same. I played MC in early Alpha when you could play free in a web browser. And then I used a cracked game for another year or so. Once I had adult money I bought it. I’ve since bought it probably 6+ times over between Java, Bedrock, consoles, mobile and accounts for my kids.
I probably would never have bought it otherwise, or at least not for a long time.
If there’s so much helium inside the earth, then why doesn’t the earth float away?
I like this idea. It crowdsources the “fingerprint” of the ads themselves. So as more and more people get the same exact ad, and then tag it, it would be easier to skip that one. So it would reduce the same annoying ads from playing in, this Lemmy post is brought to you by BetterHelp talk to real live therapists about your podcast woes now, the middle of what you are focusing on. If it got big it would make advertisers change their format, but that would be good, less of the canned ads and maybe something more organic and less jarring.
You are a smart and kind person. You are strong and capable. You can accomplish difficult things!
We do not speak of that one. It was a dark time, a chaotic time. Do not utter that name so casually. Many know not of which we speak. May their souls never experience the curse of that knowledge.