Brazil gives Meta 72 hours to explain new fact-check policies>
Meta: we don’t have any
…and one those big pickled onions
Brazil gives Meta 72 hours to explain new fact-check policies>
Meta: we don’t have any
You don’t pay me for what I do, you pay me for what I know…
My migration to Linux Mint coincided with getting a Brother Laser printer (DCP-L3520CDW) and I’ve had zero issues with text, photos or scanning. I just fired up the Brother and Mint said “oh, you’ve got a printer, wanna use it?”
Hey, if you’re anywhere in the area, I’ve got fine collection of IKEA allen keys a
Good God, were you that security guard???
Brit here. About eight years ago I flew from London to Belfast and return for business. We don’t need a passport to travel to Northern Ireland, just photo id like driving licence is fine.
Coming back to London I approached the gate and before I could pull out my wallet to show my id, the guard says " Good evening Mr. Codandchips have a safe journey "…
Yes they have facial recognition, the cameras are visible but you don’t notice them.
but lost the charger - Hey, I’m in the UK but I have a drawer full of Nokia chargers if you need one! ( I keep them to impress the ladies, along with my collection of IKEA Allen keys…)
Relatively new full-time Linux user here. My first experience of using Linux was Knoppix. I had it on cd-rom to troubleshoot Windows, got into media servers and xbmc, so had a few OpenElec machines. Now have Mint as a daily driver.
UK Firefox user here… All good
Absolutely worth it imo. I mean it helps the developers and along with what others have said, for me Plexamp music player is the nuts. Forked originally from Winamp it plays all my music across all my devices including Android Auto like a personal Spotify
I’ve also noticed now that the video quality option on some accounts requires YT Premium to watch in 1080 60
Looks as though we’ll have to break out Baby Trump Blimp