It intelligence is wealth than why did Eistein and any of the other hundreds of scientists whose discovery our world rests upon all without becoming billionaires?
It intelligence is wealth than why did Eistein and any of the other hundreds of scientists whose discovery our world rests upon all without becoming billionaires?
Do the right thing Canada. Arrest warrants for all involved.
The first rule of investing is accepting you are not smarter than the market.
Not having that money invested is a huge mistake.
I always think of the stockholders because often I am him.
My frugal lifetime is to pirate the content and used the saved subscription price to purchase additional stock each month.
Play both sides and always come out on top, or something.
All of that can be equally true for cloud infrastructure. There is argument that the cloud company is more incentivizing to use 2 year olds to save labor costs.
In the cloud admin world, no one knows you’re a toddler.
On-prem allows you 100% control on the downtime. You build internal trust by deciding when to upgrade, availability of hot swap, rollback, etc.
Cloud is just trust and it’s out of your control if they break that trust.
With all the rounds of layoffs they’ve had, their remaining employees would need to be quite stupid to give a shit what this disloyal piece trash says.
We already allow simulated rape in tv and movies. AI simply allows a more graphical portrayal.
Correct. This quickly approaches thought crime.
What about an AI gen of a violent rape and murder. Shouldn’t that also be illegal.
But we have movies that have protected that sort of thing for years; graphically. Do those the become illegal after the fact?
And we also have movies of children being victimized so do these likewise become illegal?
We already have studies that show watching violence does not make one violent and while some refuse to accept that, it is well established science.
There is no reason to believe the same isn’t true for watching sexual assault. There are been many many movies that contain such scenes.
But ultimately the issue will become that there is no way to prevent it. The hardware to generate this stuff is already in our pockets. It may not be efficient but it’s possible and efficiency will increase.
The prompts to generate this stuff are easily shared and there is no way to stop that without monitoring all communication and even then I’m sure work around would occur.
Prohibition requires society sacrifice freedoms and we have to decide what weee willing to sacrifice here because as we’ve seen with or prohibitions, once we unleash the law on one, it can be impossible to undo.
The official reason they dropped it is because there were security concerns. The more likely reason was the massive outcry that occurs when Apple does these questionable things. Crickets when it’s Google.
The feature was re-added as a child safety feature called “Comminication Saftey” that is optional on a child accounts that will automatically block nudity sent to children.
Interesting how you managed to spin their accountability as a bad thing. It sounds like you prefer companies that refuse to squirm.
Except humans aren’t just any apes, humans are great apes.
Given the topic, this distinction is highly relevant.
Democracy dies in the darkness (and we are the shadow)
Who is this we? Because you seem to get it. Most of Lemmy does. So the issue isn’t we. Unless one is willing to primary their local democratic leader, there is little we can do other than rally others to vote and vote blue.
However, most of what I see on Lemmy are people rallying against democratic leaders. It’s doom and gloom. No real solutions.
So we Lemmy users have our own issues to recognize and reconcile. Pointing the blame outward is one of them. Anyone pointing out this issue of ours tends to get downvote so we Lemmy users aren’t ready to be part of the solution with no signs of that changing anytime soon
Adds a whole new angle for arguing in favor of the /fuckcars movement.
Anything that requires a subscription is a no-go. Especially when it’s running on my hardware.
This is the way. This gig worker industry is in need of disruption. It’s ultimately a matchmaking service. There is no other broker than can charge 100% markup.
Professional job placement company, realtors, etc do more for a much smaller percentage.
Round about way to defund them, force them to spend funding on maintaining overpriced junk.
It’s never the nameless developer’s credibility that is being harmed.
Sawsticars aren’t profitable without the carbon taxes credits. Notice no one has suggested getting rid of those.
Those public chargers are competion with Musk’s Tesla chargers. The only profitiable part of Tesla.