Software developer interested into security and sustainability.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It all makes sense when you think about the way it will be parsed. I prefer to use newlines instead of semicolons to show the blocks more clearly.

    for file in *.txt
        cat "$file"

    The do and done serve as the loop block delimiters. Such as { and } in many other languages. The shell parser couldn’t know where stuff starts/ends.

    Edit: I agree that the then/fi, do/done case/esac are very inconsistent.

    Also to fail early and raise errors on uninitialized variables, I recommend to add this to the beginning of your bash scripts:

    set -euo pipefail

    Or only this for regular sh scripts:

    set -eu

    -e: Exit on error

    -u: Error on access to undefined variable

    -o pipefail: Abort pipeline early if any part of it fails.

    There is also -x that can be very useful for debugging as it shows a trace of every command and result as it is executed.

  • From Archwiki > xrandr:

    Tip: Both GDM and SDDM have startup scripts that are executed when X is initiated. For GDM, these are in /etc/gdm/, while for SDDM this is done at /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup. This method requires root access and mucking around in system configuration files, but will take effect earlier in the startup process than using xprofile.

  • Nginx is pretty easy to set up. Look up “nginx virtual hosts”. You might want to use certbot/acme if you don’t have SSL certificates for your domain names. You need either a wildcard certificate (*, a certificate with SAN (Subject Alternative Name) containing the second subdomain, or two certificates (one for each subdomain). Note that subdomains can be found more easily than path based websites, if you allow connections from the whole WAN.