I agree with you here but I wouldn’t want to pay for a host for some FOSS project and I wouldn’t host that on my own IP either.
I agree with you here but I wouldn’t want to pay for a host for some FOSS project and I wouldn’t host that on my own IP either.
Decades is far from infinite
Idk about infinite, if they stop getting updates they will eventually get phased out and if you can’t download the application it’s also dead. All that aside the sun is going to go super nova eventually.
Also a lot of people don’t want to self host. I doubt you self host your own Lemmy instance for instance.
Hydrogen was as good as dead for years because compressing it is so wasteful
I thought thunderbolt was DP passthrough as well
They will think people are what they think they are regardless because a demagogue told them to. Like covid is a hoax while they watch people around them literally die from it. We’re not talking about rational or reasonable people here, we’re talking about people who are so lost they need professional help.
It’s not the same view if one is defensive and the other is offensive. You don’t communicate a Nazi out of being a Nazi, it takes a willingness to hear things that are hard to hear. It’s commonly referred to as the just world fallacy and they don’t just need to be communicated with, they need therapy.
My first complaint with Tesla is the shit tablet for everything. I don’t want to have to look at a screen while trying to drive. Elon is a shit but every publicly traded company is going to be owned in some regard by a billionaire fascist.
Because it’s like old forums where the first person to comment gets engagement
I’d do it for 192 thousand.
If the company is going public it doesn’t really matter, they can just sell the stock.
Sues corning for making all that glass that transmitted the piracy.
Some of the most unruly people I’ve ever known are women. I think women just emphasize better and with media from a connection to those who are in or made the media.
And I’m saying they need to have value other than ethics to sell new phones because used are more ethical.
Not making stuff is greener than making stuff.
That’s what my initial comment was about so if you’re this far without knowing that it’s pretty clear you’re not reading very well.
Used phones are ethically better than new phones. That’s a fact. If you buy used fairphones then that’s even better but they make such a bad product you have to buy it on ethics alone. If you’re buying on ethics then again, used is better.
You’re just spouting peak consumer copium and claiming it’s a fact.
I’ve listed facts here. But every time you come up with an excuse to consume more product.
It’s not like I’m recommending a specific brand and they’re actually some of the most common but you will always justify buying shit you don’t need.
You are simping for a private company that exploits labor just so you can feel better about buying another new phone instead of used.
Do they pay you to “yeah but” for them or are you just a simp?
Bullshit. You can easily get a battery for less than $25,000. The Tesla model 3 is a 50KWh pack and is $14000 to replace and likely costs way less to make.
If you were really skilled you could buy 50KWh worth of cells for less than $10000.
The reason the batteries are more is because you have SUVs and Trucks that need twice the amount of cells for about the same range because they’re not aerodynamic