I know something better and it’s solar powered: Trees!
I know something better and it’s solar powered: Trees!
Initally some local site, then I transferred to GoDaddy, then to OVH (since GD is shit). One is still at Cloudflare (tried to move there, but they don’t support al TLDs that I use, like “.eu”).
For DNS I use Cloudflare. They provide a layer of privacy, i.e. your server IPs don’t get exposed directly.
I recently started using https://github.com/immich-app/immich
It’s basically a self hosted Google Photos and it’s working really well. You can just mount your heap of photos into the container, declare it as external library and you’re good to go.
After a few hours/days of training the face recognition, extracting meta data, generating thumbnails ans possibly transcoding videos you’ll have a very responsive and easily searchable timeline of ALL your pictures and videos.
They do, in the EU. If you fuck up your customer’s data, you’ll face fines consisting of hefty percentages of your yearly revenue!
VPN limiting your bandwidth? Sounds like a CPU issue. You’ll be surprised how much CPU overhead it takes to encrypt and decrypt traffic at such high speeds.
They LET us KEEP our data… so they’re NOT (yet) using their market power to do what they want?
I think this headline got it wrong: If MS wants to do business with Europe, they have to follow our privacy laws or face hufe fines and ultimately the boot (which would benefit nobody).
One warning, though: After moving, you’ll probably need another Google account again, to use the Play Store… it sucks.
I did as well, but then I went Microsoft and never looked back. Google’s platform still feels like a shitty startup with missing stuff everywhere, compared to Azure (or AWS).
The only thing I’m missing is Google Photos, but there are self-hosted alternatives out, that I’ll try soon.
I mean, they kill services willy nilly. Sure Gmail will probably survive, but the rest drove me away (Reader, Music, …).
Regarding your Android purchases: At the time of my move I went through my list of apps I bought and tallied the ones up, that I still used. It was less than $50 of repurchases.
Don’t let those old purchases hold you back. Cut this old baggage loose.
Evidence, that something doesn’t exist?
Here: …
You can also use this evidence freely to prove, that you didn’t receive the package that you ordered.
to piss time and money away commuting
So much this! Why is it OK for us to waste our most valuable resource, time?? If you waste company time or assets, you’ll be fired.
They ALL are on green screen. There isn’t anyone int his video present “in person”!
So if I look at a painting study it and then emulate the original painter’s artstyle, then I’m in breach of their copyright?
Or if I read a lot of fantasy like GRRM or JK Rowling and I also write a fantasy book and say, that they were my Inspiration, I’m breaching their copyright??
That’s not how it works, and if it is, it shouldn’t be!
Sure, if a start reproducing work, i.e. plagiarizing the work of others, then I’m doing sth wrong.
And to spin this further: If I raise a child on children’s books by a specific author, am I breaching copyright, when my child enters the workforce and starts to earn money??? Stupid, yes! But so are the copyright claims against LLMs, in my opinion.
Do NOT self-host email! In the long run, you’ll forget a security patch, someone breaches your server, blasts out spam and you’ll end up on every blacklist imaginable with your domain and server.
Buy a domain, DON’T use GoDaddy, they are bastards. I’d suggest OVH for European domains or Cloudflare for international ones.
After you have your domain, register with “Microsoft 365” or “Google Workspace” (I’d avoid Google, they don’t have a stable offering) or any other E-Mail-Provider that allows custom domains.
Follow their instructions on how to connect your domain to their service (a few MX and TXT records usually suffice) and you’re done.
After that, you can spin up a VPS and try out new stuff and connect it also to your domain (A and CNAMR records).
“Constitution”? What has been constituted? Are they a sovereign nation now? Did they get land? If so, I’d also like to get some land for free!!
A self-hostes RSS reader? Probably the ability to read your stuff from anywhere without installing something. Like on your work PC… ;)
Media Server? No content backup at all.
If you lose everything, just download new stuff you want to watch, or redownload a few TV series/movies.
Music? There are streaming services.
Only backup configurations and maybe application data, so that the reinstall will be easy. Those few kB/MB could sit anywhere. I’m using GitLab for this purpose.
Edit: Images! If you have your photos on there, back them up! They can’t be replaced!
What about rails? You need rails first. Who is providing the land where rails will be built on?
But yeah, trains it is!
I have had this issue for about a year, while trying different monitoring and logging solutions to try and find out what’s going on.
This was such a bitch! Now I’m spreading the word, so that other won’t suffer as long as I have.
Have a look at GitLab.
I’m doing the same thing you are doing, but automatically. I have a repo per app and a few GitLab runners connected on my Raspis/servers. Everytime I push a change, the shell runner runs the commands configured for the pipeline. I don’t have to lift a finger after changes.