Eh, at this point a majority of the voting block voted for fascism. I’m about ready to just call it, go home and not participate anymore.
Eh, at this point a majority of the voting block voted for fascism. I’m about ready to just call it, go home and not participate anymore.
I work on a team with mainly infrastructure and operations. As one of the only people writing code on the team. I have to appreciate what IT support does to keep everything moving. I don’t know why so many programmers have to get a chip on their shoulder.
But did you check your pens?
Fuck the polls. Let’s vote.
I would try and do the most annoying shit to executives. Hide coffee, close out of open programs on their PC. Unlock the stall door and open it when they’re pooping. Stuff like that.
FUCK, this asshole. Honestly. It’s been what… Barely 24 hours and they’re already starting with the racist bullshit? It’s sickening.
Welcome to 2024. Where we move closer and closer to black mirror being real due to our technology improvements.
Stop, you’re making me excited for something that will never happen. I’d vote for you if you ran. Haha
You physically take the specs from the customer to the engineers? Well… No.
Don’t forget to change the sound setting location to different tabs every other week too to keep you on your toes.
Except you’re a slave in the capitalistic machine like the rest of us so fuck you. /s
Ah yes, that’s the problem.
Thank you for this. Looked up all the proposed changes for my state. I really hope these get implemented. In MN I’ve been waiting for a twin cities to Duluth train connection.
Ah, enshittification at its finest.
That’s how a religion is built around RGB.
Lived in downtown Minneapolis the last few years. Still never felt unsafe walking around. Even with the uptick of crime. Safety is dependent on where you go within the city.
As long as you don’t do anything stupid, you’re pretty good.
But I constantly hear from the burbs and rural areas how it’s sO dAnGeRoUs.
I volunteer Minnesota as well.