Hey, you know what?
Chicken butt.
It doesn’t even seem like a breakthrough product.
Bummer. I guess I should start looking for a new phone.
I think I’m going to switch back. The rooting process for Samsung phones seems super annoying.
Do you know if it works with an S22?
Yes, it’s enormously annoying. Steam reviews also generally suck. Especially those with the checkmark style forms.
Everyone who lives in NC is from Ohio.
I should have said looks like it was made for the battlefield.
Anything that looks like it just pulled off the battlefield. Like G Wagons and Hummers.
Spez told the mods they have til the count of 3.
The content algorithms are terrible. I’ve been trolling some local news pages that have been posting about Jason Aldean, and it never fails that the most relevant comments are all showing support even though each comment only has a few likes, but when “all comments” is chosen, there are massive amounts of opposing comments that have an enormous amount of likes.
It’s like the purest form of manufacturing consent.