Show me your data on that one
Show me your data on that one
This is already a tracked statistic. It’s called the fertility rate. Yes, it’s tracked per uterus, and it’s actually been falling precipitously for decades:
Already happening.
The only thing you need to do to accomplish this faster is educate girls (making women valuable for things other than childbearing), provide access to birth control and family planning education, and reduce child mortality (reducing the inclination to have “spare children” to replace all the ones you know will die).
Bangladesh provides a good example of these factors at play:
“World’s population is projected to nearly stop growing by the end of the century”
And the collective human fertility rate (births per woman) has been falling for decades:
This is not something I had ever thought about before and I am also fascinated.
Just did. Won our vote Wednesday night 💪
They didn’t get genetic raw data of anyone beyond the 14K, they got family relationship information. Which is an option you can turn on or off, if you want. It’s very clear that you’re exposing yourself to other people if you choose to see who you’re related to. It doesn’t expose raw data and it doesn’t instantly expose names, just how they’re related to you. (And most of the “relations” are 3rd to 5th cousins, aka strangers.)
Hackers used the genetic ancestry data of the 14K hacked users and their “relatives” connections to deduce large families of Ashkenazi Jews.
Select the “available for local pickup” option to weed out all the trash. Even if you’re buying to be shipped.
Use Amazon as a search engine, find what you need, then Google the manufacturer and buy it directly from them. You’d be surprised how many have free shipping . It’s usually not two day shipping, but what do you really need that fast?
If it’s electronics, buy online for local pickup at Best Buy. If it’s tools or house supplies, buy online for local pickup at Lowe’s or Home Depot. Buy online for local pickup at Target.
I haven’t purchased anything from Amazon in 4 years. It’s honestly way easier now than it was before Amazon started, but no one realizes that because Amazon got them locked in.
In real life, a restaurant can and will kick you out and ban you from the premises for wearing a swastika and saying you think minorities don’t deserve to live.
Ergo, being kicked off a company’s privately owned server for hate speech is EXACTLY the same amount of freedom they would have in real life.
AI companies are most certainly making an effort to profit from the content they’re deriving from copyrighted works.
The kool-aid is laced, kid. You should put it down.
AI trained on plagiarized art created by real humans who were not compensated for work that AI companies are now making money on.
Aka stealing
It’s almost like people in the United States have the freedom to express their opinions on a matter. Imagine that!
You and I have the option of “cleaning up nice” and avoiding that kind of harassment. The richest black people in the United States do not have that privilege. Literally.
My understanding was this was the actual intended use case for NFTs. To allow you to properly own a digital item. The fact that it got applied to a stupid fad right out the gate doesn’t change the fact that it should actually be used to allow us to own things again.
Favorable terms with no means of legal leverage are just wisps of air. They can and will be rescinded at the earliest convenience of the corporation, which is literally why we’re in the current situation we are today. The strongest middle class in the US existed when unions were at their peak. That is not a coincidence.
A formal, legal union gives employees power and leverage to enforce the favorable terms that they negotiate with an employer. You can argue that unions as organizations can be subject to similar corruption as any other organization, but contrary to popular propaganda, there is nothing inherent in the existence of a union that requires or lends itself to corruption any more than any other power structure.
Employees are legally permitted to organize a formal, legal union of their own outside the existing union organizations, but then they’re starting from scratch. Existing unions have been through negotiations, have experienced lawyers, know the process and all of its pitfalls. The vast majority of workers are better off joining an existing union because of this.
Marijuana stays in people’s systems for weeks. I don’t think that never smoking pot should be a requirement of employment.
I don’t smoke pot. I care about people’s liberty. And you’re being a prick.
That’s not relevant to pre-employment testing being literally useless for the vast majority of jobs
Post accident is fine because the question there is “were you actively impaired while working” which is a valid concern. What is pre-employment testing supposed to show that’s relevant to the vast majority of jobs though? “Sometimes this person uses recreational drugs.” Ok, and what? Are they coming to work impaired? If not, then outside of the medical field and airline pilots, who cares?
Why on earth should a corporation be allowed to require a privacy violating urine test as a condition for employment for a desk job? And even for safety critical jobs like medical or pilots, a pre-employment urine test isn’t going to catch abuse of the one drug that is the biggest red flag in the entire collection: alcohol.
Agreed, in my experience Tubi and Pluto both have very reasonable length, good quality ads. I declined to re-up on YouTube TV for NCAA football season this year specifically because I can stand their ads. At that price tier, they honestly expect me to sit through My Pillow ads??