You’re being reasonable. That doesn’t fly here my friend.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906
Ask me! =)
You’re being reasonable. That doesn’t fly here my friend.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906
Some of that data could be from (or for) customer use, like the service passwords.
here, I fixed it for ya! =)
dnf check-update
dnf updateinfo
dnf updateinfo list
sudo dnf upgrade
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get autoremove
Theatre has two meanings (it seems), one of them being “a room or hall for lectures with seats in tiers”. The idea is that above the “centre stage” there would be seating for other doctors to watch the surgery for education/research purposes.
Can I be number 3? I really wish I could get a medal.
Cabron! That wiki page clearly states (“gangster” in Mexico). It is a stereotype we use all the time and have no issues with. Same as you using “white men” to describe, I don’t know, caucasians? I don’t feel offended by it and so shouldn’t you on behalf of “mexican looking latino americanos who commit crimes”.
I can only imagine the comedy-sketch-like exercise that would be you at the station trying to describe the person who robbed you.
Always thought that this was how my fellow Mexicans called their gang members by but hey, thanks for caring about our gang member’s feelings.
Even if it wasn’t human made, if we can do something about it and help ourselves out of it as a result, why shouldn’t we? It’s crazy that this is even an argument.
There were branches of the political spectrum who brought up the discussion of accountability of the Brazilian electoral system. It had to do with the fact that the only way for a recount of total votes is now 100% based on software which no common citizen can understand and/or check. How can a voting system be fair to an entire population when only a few highly skilled people can actually understand its inner workings? My opinion in this particular matter is irrelevant here but this was the topic that I said bozo’s supporters highjacked to push forth their own agenda. Which in turn ridiculed the whole thing for no gain, whatsoever.
This is the same guy who claimed the election was rigged when… you know… he won!
He wasn’t smart for implying fraud, what are you talking about? He was clearly following his supporters wishes to hijack an important discussion of election accountability by making highly simplistic claims. Do you remember that? The whole thing started as a valid and important discussion which the bozo nutters made sound ridiculous and dumb. He was only a puppet for the right wingers, like what Dilma was to the left.
“A voting machine” he says. One machine or the elections? I thought bozo was the dumb fuck but I might be wrong.
Sorry, the guy who didn’t know what a golden shower meant wanted to contract a hacker to hack elections?! Look, you can’t have it both ways. He’s either a dumb fuck or he’s a smart cunt, not both.
You could always do that in Telegram…
They are running their business like teenage kids. An adult pointed out some flaws and they decided they’re a minority and are being oppressed. In reality the adult has 15 times less viewer following than the self proclaimed victims. Also, they treat their crew like dog shit and with that came allegations of misogyny which their behaviour seem to support the idea they are, in fact mistreating women. But without concrete evidence these will have to be considered allegations for the time being.
I prefer Gamers Nexus, then Jayz and tech yes last. Just my picks.
Alternate ending to the short movie Burn-E