Digital Radio Mondiale enthusiasts: First time?
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Digital Radio Mondiale enthusiasts: First time?
Oh my God? Where? What is this system called, usenet?
Probably more. Just search for ‘x’ in a name register and filter the normal ones like Alex.
Yes. Technically, a similar vote could repeal the law just as easily but there is a history of governments not giving their power away easily; implementing it also sets a precedent and creates technical enforcement options for other governments willing to go through with something similar in the future, or for hackers to exploit because gov-rooted devices will remain in operation for years after the potential repeal.
Absolutely hilarious but technocally the term is correct as we have 1 natural satellite.
Back then, there were still lots of “wipers” that deleted files and/or destroyed the OS. Now it’s all spyware and ransomware.
Well, a conversational AI with sub-human abilities still has some uses. Notably scamming people en masse so human email scammers will be put out of their jobs /s
my comfortable little subset of C++
I also have one. I call it “C”
Yes. It’s not wrong 100% of the time, otherwise you could make a fortune by asking it for investment advice and then doing the opposite.
What happened is like the current robot craze: they made the technology resemble humans, which drives attention and money. Specialized “robots” can indeed perform tedious tasks (CNC, pick-and-place machines) or work safely with heavier objects (construction equipment). Similarly, we can use AI to identify data forgery or fold proteins. If we try to make either human-like, they will appear to do a wide variety of tasks (which drives sales & investment) but not be great at any of them. You wouldn’t buy a humanoid robot just to reuse your existing shovel if excavators are cheaper. (Yes, I don’t think a humanoid robot with digging capabilities will ever be cheaper than a standard excavator).
Cameras are not too great. Ground-station-based radio positioning systems, some of which can be used to enhance GPS precision to centimeters, already exist. (The ground stations, in a mesh tens of kilometers apart, get their position to that precision by averaging GPS over several days.) I’m pretty sure there is already a system on non-GPS frequencies too.
GIMP’s mission statement is 1. be hateful to use
It hurts to say but you’re right. I was like “can’t you remap the right mouse button to another tool? Everything in the context menu is in the Menu bar regardless” and they responded with “nope, design philosophy”
Wasn’t thos true for Biden too?
The purpose of code is to solve a problem but don’t tell that to the newbies or they reduce the PHP codebase you spend full time managing to 10% that in Rust and take your job.
I wouldn’t go on a 30-minute crime spree yet, there might be a better deal soon.
Trump says he’s going to be a one-day dictator if elected. If he gets his way and does not get punished afterwards, we have a strong legal precedent that everyone gets their personal Purge once in their lifetime.
You’ve never used function keys? The dual function is annoying even inside the OS. I have to help several people with laptops and you can’t tell what mode they’re in, the user often doesn’t know either.
On laptops, you never know if the F-key behavior is defined by the OS, BIOS or keyboard driver. I just mash F2, F8, Fn+F2, Fn+F8, Del as often as I can (these are the most common keys to do the trick). You can reduce the options with a USB keyboard with just normal F-keys.
Some laptops don’t have a key you can hold to enter BIOS settings or boot menu (maybe to start booting before the keyboard is initialized?) and there is a reset button hole for that.
Plot twist: he already has one but stays quiet about it, because the result is apparently bad
The recommendations seemed favorable when I tried it. I have since switched to Mint.
Even basic things in distros are quite different, for example the frontend for settings, so tech support threads will show how to do it in the backend. Oh well, but then there’s someone who suggests
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
If you’re a noob, run this and get a “nano: command not found” error, you’ll google it and learn to resolve it using apt
. However, Manjaro’s package manager is pacman
but you don’t know, so you install apt
using a weird guide without knowing what it even is. The next update then wreaks havoc on your system.
My first install ended in a dependency hell because of this.
It’s just the regular penguin. Clickbait!!!1!!