Is this thing on?
Open the m3u8 as a playlist in VLC Media player. If it works, save it.
Don’t combine. Just use tor or a VPN.
Also, visit here for a tool that lets you test and ensure your torrent client isn’t leaking
This analysis of the author is as close as I’m willing and able to get.
You are correct ofc, but the law (where applicable) is not for tenants. It’s for the Fire Dept.
If it is the only lift for the building it is likely a firecode violation…
Why have we made robots whose only job is to dilute reality?
Repeating for emphasis. I’d like to know the answer too.
That’s what makes it mildly infuriating.
This is in-your-face pending shrinkflation. Once they run out of old packaging they will use new with reduced mass and count but same price. Also, you assume they’ve actually increased the number to keep the mass valid. I would not be shocked at all to learn they didn’t making this potential lawsuit material.
I’m annoyed that the reports seem to be written and redacted to prevent any hint of the companies involved.
Finally, a programmer joke I get!
TBH it’s more that I have a naive work ethic and assume someone performing such a serious and impactful job would only do so sincerely, but I agree.
To highlight how absolutely stupid this bill is, it sounds like it would outlaw menstruation and nocturnal emissions.
Land of the free.
Edit: it sounds like this is intentionally facetious to point out the absurdity of other pro-life bills.
Watering the tree of liberty something or other.
The harder MS tries to force Win11 on me the clearer it becomes how bad it is.
I will move to another office suit,install, and learn a completely new OS like Linux after 40 years of Windows before I ever install their unnecessary and untrustworthy data-miner.
Win10 was bad but most of it could be removed/worked around. This time it’s clearly war against typical users so F it I’m out.
I see what you’re saying, but IMO the newsworthy information in the article is that there are electronic plates available to begin with. It just seems like such a bad idea from every angle you look at it. The hacking of them is simply stating the inevitable but it is just one issue in a large pile of BS even an honest purchaser would have to deal with using these things.
Nah, you’re below me if anything if your attitude is any indication
The authorities failed to mention any specific broadcast that prompted their decision. However, on Wednesday, several Western outlets reported that jihadists had killed 90 soldiers and at least 40 civilians in Chatoumane in Niger’s Tera region near Burkina Faso.
Niger’s leadership denied the attack had occurred, labeling the reports “baseless assertions” and a “campaign of intoxication.”
You aren’t a CEO though.
Wish the company name was included. They seem to have their shit together.