Fuck you guys, Canada has dibs.
Fuck you guys, Canada has dibs.
I’m not american. I don’t know what nationality has to do with my statement.
If I can get excited for a cordless Bosch track saw, I can get excited for a nice gun. Guns have served two purposes in my life - target shooting with friends and the meat I get from hunting. I don’t need to take on someone elses trauma and stop enjoying something to respect what they are.
I agree, but I doubt the majority ever will.
If the cop loses their job over this, it’s like two birds with one bullet.
Just not the dick. According to this article he gets weekly penis injections, but it doesn’t say of what.
This person texts admitting to stalking you, thensends texts admitting to bribing the police? Did you call the station with your tracking number to confirm this? Or take your copy of the report to another station if you did confirm it was buried? Those details will help round out your creative writing exercise here.
Knowing myself, I wouldn’t put it past me.
Beautifully phrased. Make science about science again, not about flash in the pan personalities.
I’m a Canadian and I know exactly where that is. Not many people know about Other Vancouver.
In all likelihood, this is the work of man. Conventional wisdom tells us that deer can not put on clothing, no matter how simple the design. And yet, let me tell you about deer.
Not long ago I moved to a small town nestled in lake country. My first week here I ran into a bear as one might run into a neighbour in line at the grocery store, both of us picking up some berries from nature’s free shop. Foxes, wolves and otters are common sightings, too, but none of them so bold as the deer.
A deer can jump a six foot fence like a tissue floating on wind, so when I decided to garden, I caged the whole thing up. I look left and I look right, and then I open the wood and wire door to check on my pumpkins to an audible snort, deer just behind me, waiting to get at my peas.
A deer figured out the gate to the deck and ate all my tomatoes. I chased after one, trying to help, because it got the whole tomato cage stuck on it’s head like an avant-garde muzzle, it wore it for a week. A deer begged my friend for her wendy’s fries and ate them from her hand, we posted a picture and three people said “Oh yeah, that’s Bernie.” A deer broke my plastic garden chair by trying to sleep in it. Just today, I was scattering salt and sand over the walkway when a deer pranced over and stuck it’s whole head in the scoop/shaker thing while I still held it.
I don’t encourage the deer, I don’t feed them or start conversations, but to them we’re all one weird tribe. They bring their kids to the yard in the morning to hang out, sometimes waiting by the door for me to come outside with my coffee. Sometimes they have neon flagging tape or chicken wire stuck in their antlers, and they won’t let me take it out. Sometimes they have orphaned mits in their mouths, I don’t know where from, and they throw them at each other in a game I don’t understand.
I’m not saying a deer could put on a vest, no, but it was probably their idea.
I just read the Oz thing. I fucking can’t anymore.
The war with AI didn’t start with a gun shot, a bomb or a blow, it started with a Reddit comment.
Oh, I know this one. A country’s democracy suffers manipulation by international interests, paving the way for fascism that ravages their way of life. It’s called The Rest of the World and you’re not the first one to do it.
Read up and take notes if you want to navigate these waters, they’ve already been charted.
Before I saw the sub, I thought this would be cool if it were done well. My reasons are:
My dyslexic, ADHD niece who loves to read, this could help her enjoy a classic she wouldn’t consider trying, and give her a sense of accomplishment. Instead of being restricted to simpler books.
Students with a different first language. My friends used cheats, coles notes and audiobooks to try to keep up in school. Books written like this would do more to help build literacy.
I don’t believe evey meetup posts pictures of their entire groups, nor do I think there’s a database for that, or that, if that database existed, it would be a good tool for assessing whether or not men are more likely to be outcasts. Reddit is only one social media site, like I said, and has a shrinking market share. Whether or not other social media platforms are conducive to conversations was never my point, it was the one-sidedness of saying men are more likely to be social outcasts. I don’t think looking at a few pictures of reddit meetups proves anything.
I looked that up and couldn’t find any data on the demographics for reddit IRL meetups. But we were debating whether or not more men or women go online to find community. My point what that women don’t always out themselves because of negative attention. The most recent statistics I found showed that women in the US are self reported to more likely to use social media than men. Worldwide, it varies by the platform, but the disparity is highest on Twitter, with more male users. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t work when people are actively avoiding being recognized as women, and online communities can vary widely in their gender makeup.
How does one look at any group online meet-up? Is there a place where all group, online meet-ups are posted?
If outcasts are people who don’t feel welcome in any irl or mainstream communities; women are just as likely to be outcasts. Women online can avoid outing themselves because even female oriented online support spaces get brigaded by men. There are a handful of female artists in my circle who identify as male online because they kept getting creepy dms. They still get them, of course, but less so. Less violent and rapey.
Who knows how many women are out there, lurking in the shadows, just trying to look at memes about linux and communism.
Speak for yourself. Gimme that drama free dick.