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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • Pffft. I write everything as a one liner in notepad and just copy and paste into a compiler.

    Note: Sarcasm. I’m not a dev, I just script shit for my own convenience at work. I’m the guy the idiots talk to first. After 12 years I’m pretty good at filtering out the bullshit and giving a concise ticket to escalate in the event I don’t have permissions to fix something.

    I have fixed code before, but its been very rare, and was most certainly a case of the actual dev not seeing the forest due to the trees. It just happened I had the cube next to him and he wanted any other set of eyes, lol. I just happened to have some education in various languages that I opted not to pursue further.

  • I rocked long hair from grade school to my mid 20s.

    Then, a lady friend (platonic) sat me down and had a talk with me.

    The thinning, now seemingly always greasy, strands of hair was not a good look. Like, don’t visit a playground or I would be arrested on site lol.

    So, being a metal head there are two main options, or at least were at the time. Long hair. Or take bare clippers to it.

    So, I did.

    That first winter fucking suuuucked. Still to this day, I tend to rock a hoody in cold weather, and toss my hood up to cover my head for warmth when outdoors.

    Sometimes I let it grow out for about a month before taking clippers to it again, out of sheer laziness. A month of growth, from shaved, isn’t much in the way of hair, but temperature wise it is very noticeable.

  • Fuck, I’ve heard this shit before. The entire point of online play, for competitive games; in my mind, is seeing who YOU as a player, are better than. Cheating ruins any of the fun. You don’t grow as a player, you don’t do better at your class/weapon/whatever. If you can overpower everyone through illegitimate means, you’re missing the point entirely; plus you ruin the fun of everyone else. In short, fuck those people. That being said, I like single player RPGs. If I’ve played through legitimately 10 times, I don’t see a problem with some sort of QOL type cheats. I’ve done it before, I’ve spent the time farming currency; ultimately, it detracts from my experience - Key word: MY experience. Its single player. I’m not fucking over another human being.

    I was alive in the glorious era of LAN parties.

    My friends and I had spent approximately 36 hours (straight) mainlining caffeine and running a variety of games. Quake 3 RA, AOE2, a little CS, etc. Towards the end, we all played… fuck, I can’t remember the name. It was an over the top FPS that took Duke Nukem to unheard levels of cheesiness. Anyways, after a certain level of exhaustion after the caffeine was gone, someone suggested we all LAN CS with a caveat, we all had 30 minutes to find and install the best hacks we could find and see what happened. It was mostly auto-pilot at that point, both gaming wise as well as things like breathing.

    It was a fun experiment, and to allay any worries about online play, all of us were the nerdiest of nerds. We formatted our drives frequently. Hell, a friend of ours was running WindowsME at a LAN party and we formatted his drive and installed a cracked version of XP before he even got a game up, lol.

    End results of the hackfest rounds? It was determined that the scout rifle was superior to the AWP, with perfect headshots. Mobility won out when guaranteed headshots were a thing. It did take a few people a surprisingly long amount of time to figure that out.

  • If a four person table has three Nazis sitting at it, and a fourth person sits down with them, there are four Nazis at the table.

    Accordingly, if a public figure makes a Nazi salute (several times) in a public live recording, they are a Nazi.

    If it walks like a duck, etc.

    They may not claim Nazism, but fascism is fascism whatever flag you wave. The individual motivators behind it are not relevant.

    Both my grandfathers are rolling over in their graves as I watch fascism goose step into America.

  • I don’t disagree. My last job was using winget to update some things. I raised the concept of trusting otherwise unknown updates, but I was pushed aside for the quick utility.

    I’m only a student of cybersecurity, but I harshly judge my former “security expert” on far more than that.

    Like fuck, the help desk has to install every patch, to every machine, through a spreadsheet?

    No, deploy that shit from a server. Fuck.

    In a way, I’m glad I left. In another way, I would really like a pay check again… and I moved to a well, tech illiterate state. Fuck me.

  • We live in troubled times, the planet is overheating at a rate that it might affect my life more than being more uncomfortable in the summer. And that’s Texas summers at that.

    There is an island of plastic refuse in the ocean bigger than some countries.

    I saw the home computer come to the living room and the internet be birthed.

    If you were to ask if I was jaded as a kid, already? Yeah. Around 7 years old.

    It isn’t getting better. Corporations claw for more and more at the expense of the people and the planet.

    I hope the younger generations can lead the charge of change, but for me… I don’t have the time or energy to play games most days, let alone change the planet.

    And for those who will say, “Aren’t you just part of the problem then?” Sadly yes, I am. I try to make changes when I can, but I fear changing the small environment of my home will not be enough.

  • I need a slightly less secure walkthrough to allow, essentially, android auto and google maps to operate.

    I did without for a while, and it wasn’t pretty.

    Lets just say I went from a sketchy hospital district to a very sketchy dead end in a neighborhood that had lookouts. Working nights, this was not a great time to drop in unannounced.

  • Pretty sure checking a post on their site, say for a BG3 build idea, doesn’t constitute abuse.

    The powers that be sacrificed their only value, their user base, to make money quick. We’ll see how it plays out long term, but I’ve moved away from social media. My lemmy use is only on my desktop at this point, and I get precious little time at it, so most of it isn’t spent on lemmy.