Wanted to clarify that, while colors and spacing are customizable, I didn’t create or extensively modify the launcher apps, only the layout. It’s not rainmeter levels of remixing or anything. In particular, I don’t have as much control of the widgets as I’d like, and would probably tone down the calendar or picture gallery if I could.
Though its not to diminish your read of it, I’m happy to explain my particular choices! You’re right that this layout is not visitor-friendly, but like you said, it’s a phone. Not really for sharing. That said, there IS a hierarchy of sorts, just not an obvious one - I’m left-handed, so anything I use with quick, one-handed input is in an arc from the bottom left (calculator, macronutrient tracker, checkbook). From there, apps in frequent or varied use, or with inline notifications, are larger. This way I can read a summary of a message or alert without opening the app or Notification Shade. From there, web browsing and social media is at the bottom for lots of thumb typing, while the morning routine (news, weather, traffic) is at the top for use on a desk.
With a UI for general use, having to explain in such detail would be a sign of failure - I would indeed settle on a simpler rubric if it was a company tablet. But I love the little eccentric choices I can make with this launcher to make it just for me. Hope that proves interesting!
For a moment there, it looked like predictors of twitters final demise were going to be proven wrong - or would at least have trouble making a clear distinction in light of how durable twitter has been. Instead Musk is about to toss brand loyalty in the trash and paint a clear line for before-musk, after-musk. No version that succeeds twitter will ever be the twitter that rose to success, but now even a layperson will know the difference . May as well be an obituary.