Maui: Pixel 8 Pro
Maui: Pixel 8 Pro
When I cook? Dish needs salt? Grabs a bit with my fingers and throws it in… Taste… Repeat as necessary.
When I bake? Electronic scale comes out that is accurate to three significant digits. EVERYTHING is weighed using it.
Anyone that doesn’t bake from a box knows this.
Guy who runs Plex on a Ubuntu container on Proxmox.
Absolutely agree.
I tightly control every piece of media that comes into my house. My kids have never had to sit through 10 minutes of commercials to watch a 20 minute program. When they go to a friends house and watch TV, they can’t stand it and go do something else. My oldest loves Figure Skating in the Olympics (he’s a competitive figure skater himself), but all the commercials made it all but unwatchable to him. He just waits till the skaters programs, he wants to watch, are on Youtube. This has had the added benefit that my kids have been completely unaware of the “latest and greatest” toy or thing that all of their peers absolutely had to have.
The absolute frenzy to “make a buck” on freaking everything has made almost all forms of media devoid of worth. An oxymoron I know, but it is the truth. The cost in time and attention to sit through so many advertisements is way too high and I refuse to pay that price. If that means I don’t see or hear the latest and greatest movies, TV series, or music… Oh well.
Oh lord, don’t go and listen to AC/DC then.
Art is subjective, so there really are no wrong opinions, just disagreements. I strongly disagree with you, but that’s OK. Fist bump bro, because it’s different strokes that makes the world go round.
Now, if you say such things about RUSH… cracks knuckles. ;-)
I have ~4500 jumps and jump planes are very loud. Even with a full face helmet, jump planes are very loud and I didn’t use ear plugs until my last 1000 jumps or so.
I do have a fair amount of time shooting, but always used ear protection.
Protect your hearing.
I did not and today, at the age of 54, I cannot hear above 13khz when I used to be able to hear above 20khz. Part of that is age, but most of it is from not using hearing protection at concerts and other activities where I should have been using it.
Any constant noise above 80db will damage your hearing. 80db is a LOT quieter than you think it is.
Add to that:
Solid State Class AB and modern Class D amplifiers are far superior to any Tube amplifier. At this point, I would go as far that higher end Class D amplifiers are better than most Class AB at this point. Hypex and IcePower have made great strides in the sound quality of their amps, which are extremely efficient as well.
You want a lot of 2nd order harmonics in your sound! Great, get it through a DSP that will duplicate it through a modern amplifier and stop heating your room up using tubes.
File a police report, then file an insurance claim and send the insurance company after the dumbass that removed the driveway.
The scam is the Gofuckme part of it. If her homeowners insurance doesn’t cover this, then that is an insurance company to never deal with.
Joe Rogan has never suffered from Imposter Syndrome.
Because that is EXACTLY how he should feel about himself at all times.
My family watches several Youtube channels on the main HTPC. It had Chrome for them to use, as that is what the kids and my wife are familiar with from school/ work. Then this BS started. I use Firefox on my personal PC and have yet to have a problem.
So I dumped Chrome off of the HTPC.
It would be amusing if Chrome lost a ton of market share to Firefox and other browsers.
I do the same as averyfalken, just run everything in the browser.
No you won’t get 4k, but it does work for 1080P. You can run the Plex client on PC for 4k media.
If you need 4k, then I can see your point. My TV is 1080P, so the browser works just fine.
Personally, I like having a full fledged PC connected to my TV. Currently I’m using a Beelink T4 running Ubuntu. The PC is under my direct administrative control, so no surprises with ads or other things.
Power consumption may be slightly higher than an NVIDIA Shield or Roku, but at 24w at full tilt for the Beelink it cannot be that much more.
The same Beelink machine comes with Windows 10 as well, if you’d rather have Windows.
“Attractive people in absurd situations.” — Samantha Carter Stargate SG-1
Did the same thing two weeks ago. It was an 11 year old account.
Now it’s all gone. Every bit of advice I gave, things I learned, knowledge I passed along, and pointless arguments I had, have all gone to the bit bucket.
And I feel good about it.
Best thing would be to run it through am activated charcoal filter. That would catalyze (I think) the O3 to O2. Even HEPA filters would have no effect on ozone, as it’s a molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms.
How do they plan to deal with all the ozone that will come off of those plasma speakers? I’ve made a plasma tweeter in the past and it sounded excellent, but the ozone it produced made it rather unhealthy to run for long periods of time.
A lot of Mods might be looking at all the work they have put into their communities over the years and think “I can’t leave all of this.” Which at this point, given Reddit Corp’s behavior, is a sunk cost fallacy.
It’s time to jump ship, or learn to live with the new reality. Which is really the same as the old reality, the thin veneer of civility has just been stripped away. This is Capitalism and it always turns out this way. Just look at how many products have been ruined, because someone, somewhere decided they needed more money. Anyone familiar with Hasbro’s heavy handedness with Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons knows what I am talking about.
You mean before it blows up in ours?
Yeah, me too, but I’m not holding my breath.