If that happens, it wouldn’t affect me. I am in not in the states. And if you are, you can just use a vpn to access it.
If that happens, it wouldn’t affect me. I am in not in the states. And if you are, you can just use a vpn to access it.
There is ai to detect if someone used ai to write something.
Hey Gemini, can you summarize this for me?
I never said said anything about not resisting. But isn’t hamas a terrorist group? And I condemned both Israeli government, and the terrorist group. Not the civilians of both countries.
But assume what you like, if that makes you happy. All I want is peace in the world.
I am against all war. That means, I am against; the Hamas terrorist group, Israeli government, Russian government, even the Indonesian government,and any other group/government starting wars.
I can’t read what that article says, I don’t pay for news.
So you want people not getting caught for illegal, and immoral actions?
Is she the same person to get korean bbq tattooed on her hand?
Maybe. Or maybe not.
That thumbnail makes him look like he has tiny deformed hands.
Oh no, I think Elon downvoted you.
I am not a lawyer. But every state in the u.s. has different laws, about stand your ground. Even in Canada we are only allowed to use as much force as they use against us.
Every person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, points a firearm at another person, whether the firearm is loaded or unloaded.
Punishment (2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1)
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-15.html#:~:text=86 (1) Every person commits,for the safety of other
It is also a felony in the states, and against the law in most countries.
Who owns all the cgi models/props, and will the creators of the cgi models/props be paid?
I guess you are right, my bad. Still the commercial for it is hilarious.
My bad.
Polar bears have black skin, under their white fur. But I always enjoyed the fight scenes with the gorn aliens.
That got so much attention, I agree, murder is not ok. But the u.s. is ok with health insurance ceos making money off of people dying.
Meanwhile,Indonesia is killing people and invading West Papua.