The problem is, there’s no immediately visible option to stop this crap; stopping said crap therefore takes time, which is an individual person’s single most valuable resource. People have to go searching through settings or go googling ‘how do I do this’ in order to disable this, and even that slight inconvenience means there’s going to be a lot of people that want to disable it, but end up not bothering, and that’s not a good thing. Rule of thumb, if it’s not absolutely trivial to do on a whim, it may as well be impossible.
Eh, not quite. I’d say a better analogy involves the posts being “I have a (insert car model here) and the brakes are making worrying squealing noises”, and “Hi, here’s a (link) to a trade-in offer for a model of car that’s much less likely to have the brakes fail on you. It won’t even cost you anything to swap except 30 minutes of your time.”