I came here to say motor town and here I find its the top comment! I only just got it a day or two ago and I love it so much I already have 20 hours logged
I came here to say motor town and here I find its the top comment! I only just got it a day or two ago and I love it so much I already have 20 hours logged
anytime! just remember as @[email protected] pointed out, these will be useless for tablet and mobile users, so you may still need an additional solution!
personally I love it when websites solve this problem with hover hints, theres something satisfying about seeing a paragraph of text on hover that just answers all my questions. not sure how that’d work for people viewing on mobile though
I disagree and I think you’re undermining how cool it is of the marvel rival Devs specifically for caring about linux players. lots of other games are ignoring linux just fine (I miss gta Online so damn much), ultimately we are still at (last time I checked) like 4% max of the gaming share
what helps me is focusing on all the people who’s lives would become that much harder if I left. its a meme but “mom would be sad” is genuinly useful for me.
I thought you could change your gait pretty easily by putting g something really uncomfortable like a rock in your shoe? maybe that was just Hollywood
only office works well for me, feels much closer to word and excel
this isnt a full solution obviously, but I figured it’d be nice to know: Proton lets you set different passwords for your email and password manager, so at least from a security standpoint its not all behind the same password, even if it is still from the same company
not quite
I haven’t heard about it before today but I tried asking it what separates it from other LLMs and apparently the answer is just that it does a google search and shows you the source its summarizing, which if true is not very compelling, and if a hallucination or missing details then its at least not very compelling as a search replacement
I’m out of the loop, what is WP Engine and why is the rich weirdo in control of WordPress being so weird about it?
he had a brain worm? like literally? not just like a hyperbolic way of calling him weird?
who the hell is RFK?
some games with anticheat will not work, if the developer didn’t check the “allow Linux” button in the anticheat provider
all other games ive found so far work great
he was wrong but you are way overcompensating. if windows suddenly became exorbetantly expensive, most people would just stop using computers altogether (its already easy for many people live with just a phone no PC). The remaining computer users (not counting businesses) would be enthusiasts, who are much more likely to enjoy the tinkering of Linux, or put up with it to avoid exorbetant costs. so without even gaining anymore users, Linux’s desktop market share would shoot up.
to be clear I don’t think Linux Desktop taking over is imminant or “near future.” thats nuts, it will probably always be a niche for enthusiasts and thier families/friends. but its also not going to stay eternally at 2-4%, the user experience is constantly improving and encompassing more hardware.
oof, what a rugpull
what’s ZLUDA? can you ELI5?
Good bot
mostly ive just been focused on learning how to rescue and tow wrecks with as little damage as possible using the starting towtruck, but I’m def gonna try taxi racing and box van power sliding next! those sound rad!