Surprising. Oh well, free market and such. If only the leopard didn’t eat their face…lol
Agreed. If the workers are going to be separated from the profits via the company, the workers need to be separated from the company via union. The union and workers would have an interest in the companies success, cause no one wants to look for a new job if they like what they do and are compensated fairly. The company has a stake in the workers happiness because unrest endangers the company. Too many owners and LLCs are insulated from the consequences of strikes and negotiations simply because they have the capital to sit on their hands or burn it to the ground with little repurcussion.
Has to be Kroger or some offshoot of them. They used to pay decently well relative to other retail stores, about a decade ago. Now they pay less than everywhere else cuz “union tho”.
70% of the time, they’re different sizes. And if they aren’t, then the little chip on them let’s the printer know it isn’t the correct cartridge.
If only it were so simple…
Screenshot this and attach it as a request for citizenship exception.
If it weren’t for the humans, humanity would be pretty cool.
I use it the same way I did on Reddit; it’s a decent gauge in how willing I am to engage with that person. If their history is littered with downvoted posts, then I’m less likely to engage because it’s more likely they’re being inflammatory on purpose.
Karma systems don’t make places worse; the value placed upon them by the users does. It’s not meant to be a counter for how liked you are, it’s supposed to be representative of how you interact with the community; bad karma for bad interactions. But people use downvote as a disagree button, and people spam posts cause “big number make feel good”. Good idea, difficult implementation given how humans work.
What if it is a Gatorade infused sour?
Hear me out.
I’ve had all but the orange, and they are all very good by my tongue, but I’m not exactly a beer snob. Trend towards sours and lagers, not a big hops flavor fan.
Same I think? Idk when metric users round up, but I’m ~1.85m. I just don’t fit comfortably lol.
Ideally, I’d be able to hook up whatever to it and use it as like…supplemental power, but honestly, I’m about as little work as possible. I’m working on my exercise bike rn, I run, I have a water rower and am planning on buying a nicer one soon cause my Amazon Special one is lacking now after using a nice one. But the recumbent bike in front of a TV is just unbeatable. I can play Xbox and just mindlessly pedal on it, and unlike the exercise bike, I don’t feel it in my taint (sorry for the imagery) for 2 days afterwards. Lol
I also try the water stuff, just doesn’t help. I have a camelback on my chair I fill with water I drink out of lmao
Some people also eat from boredom or habit; sit in front to the TV, get a snack. Turn on the Xbox, get a snack.
It’s me, I’m people. And I’m not even out of shape, just bad habits.
I’m real close to trading in my gaming chair for a recumbent bike. I’ve done it before, but sold it in a move. I don’t even sweat; I just keep moving. Works well.
If I were to pick one, I’d call it the Menocene. Seems apt.
I did Google it though, if you want the actual answer.
See?!?¡ This is proof that global warming doesn’t exist!
Suck it, Libs.
Using technology to increase productivity counts as a tech company. Having an app counts as a tech company. Shits ridiculous now…lol
1000%. We elected a coal baron to governor and he’s planning to run for house or senate next, likely to win.
The culture here is fucked. They’ll fly the flag their grandfather’s died to fight against, they’ll vote for people their grandfather’s died to oppose, and they’ll condemn education their father’s worked to provide for them, all under the guise of “dems want to take my guns and make my kids trans”.
Idk if the Pride flag, something that inherently describes a large part of a person’s identity and is a sign of community, is equatable to the Confederate flag.
It is part of no one’s identity; no one alive was part of the confederacy. No one alive has parents in the confederacy. It is a sign of the Confederate States and their secession from the US over owning slaves; it is a sign of racism.
It’s a good thing they are great at being sneaky, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to figure it out almost instantaneously…
This also ignores that shouting at someone in no way infringes on their ability to speak. It’s just something they don’t like to happen. Ironically, much like women going to abortion clinics and getting shouted down and harassed, simply based on their religious belief that abortion is wrong. But whew, let’s not apply logic to their beliefs…