Vetted members could still bot though or have ther accounts compromised. Not a realistic solution.
Vetted members could still bot though or have ther accounts compromised. Not a realistic solution.
I wish lemmy had more niche interest groups, like marvel champions card game. Then there’d be something to talk about that isn’t how we should force others to give a percetage of their earnings to the goxernment.
Yeah, but what if healthcare executives shopped there?
So true. IP only helps the corps and slows tech development. Contracts, ndas, and trade secrets are all you really need to keep your ideas safe. If you want your country to develop fast, get rid of any IP laws.
Gimp, krita, inkscape, scribus covers my needs well
You’re mad at the wrong person. He only has a banana. The banana “artist” has $6.2 million now. Why aren’t they helping kids with cancer? I suggest you go yell at them.
You know spending money doesn’t make it vanish into the air right? Someone else has the 6.2 million, and it can still help kids with cancer.
It was with a bunch of other drugs and the material looks a bit off. I’m sure you would’ve had a hunch.
Little Bobby Tables
Here, you’ll probably like this book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8qUyTkGux7eYkNES2gtNHBLcFE/edit?resourcekey=0-hxPdlh0Y1k6UnRqKYV-2iA
I2P and Tor both aim to provide anonymous internet browsing but differ in their architectures and methods. Tor (short for The Onion Router) uses a system of layered encryption to route internet traffic through a network of volunteer-operated servers. This creates a series of encrypted layers (hence the onion analogy) that mask the user’s IP address and data content from any would-be observers.
In contrast, I2P uses a garlic routing technique, where multiple messages are bundled together into a single encrypted packet. This method enhances privacy by making it more difficult for anyone to analyze the traffic and link the data back to specific users.
Also, Tor supports access to the open internet (clearnet), while I2P only allows access to websites and services (known as eepsites) within its own networks. Outproxies, which are similar to Tor exit nodes, can be used to access the clearnet with I2P. However, this reduces privacy as your data leaves the network and is a less common use case.
Since we’re on the topic: do people refrigerate their butter? Those who do, what’s your process for getting it on toast smoothly?
It’d be messed up for the government to do this even if he wasn’t a billionaire though. End corporations in bed with government.
Great work!
Based on OPs experience this is the best solution.
If they want to learn, I found plex + plexamp was pretty easy to get going.
As a Lemmy user I’m certainly intrigued with the buzzwords you’ve thrown out, but there doesn’t seem to be an actual system anywhere in there.
Well what’s an ethical alternative? Central planning?
Corruption will exist in every government, regardless of economic system. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Is there an actual open source alternative to visio?
Yeah the least they could do is seed forever.