Thank you for the analysis, very insightful!
Do you reckon this is more of an oversight or bug in the BT stack, or a deliberately places backdoor as the title seems to suggest?
Thank you for the analysis, very insightful!
Do you reckon this is more of an oversight or bug in the BT stack, or a deliberately places backdoor as the title seems to suggest?
Especially writing drivers amirite!
That’s not what this is, and even then, that competition wasn’t even good. You had two countries hoarding technological advancements for themselves, with everything having to be discovered twice.
This is a worldwide collaboration, where each assists the others, and it’s a much better way of making progress. See ITER.
$ cp -r src/ src.old
No sir never seen it in me life, honest to god sir
That’s phrased brilliantly, and capturey my own perception of Musk
Big win, huge win, he should do it.
slow claps
Well done sir, well done.
This is how we have 3 different APIs that sometimes do the same thing, but most times are incomplete when compared to the original v1, who in the meantime wasn’t properly maintained because we were “migrating” and now you have to use bits and pieces of the 3 of them to do anything.
It’s a nightmare. Can’t wait for the next genius to come along and start a v4, that will never be completed and will only re-implement parts of the old APIs while implementing all the new features
I exhaled vigorously through my nose.
Of course I am, there’s no way I can escape mkvs. It’s not too bad if it doesn’t have to transcode the actual video stream, but having to burn in subtitles is a common issue 😭
I still can’t play my videos on Firefox without transcoding them, so I honestly hope they get it right this time.
Yes but that’s from a company that builds decent cards at an acceptable price, and not from the HypeLords of the Lesser Return on Investment Unless You’re a Farm.
(Getting ready for the downvotes!..)
So you can’t download them, you should run them directly on tencent cloud or something? Smart…
Big ones too. Case in point, USA.
I love how this post makes a bunch of claims, and yet provides zero sources, and thus, has absolutely zero value.
It’s digital noise, spam at best, evil misinformation at worst.
Ah yes, selling your integrity for clicks and pushing propaganda for cash, welcome to the information age.
It seems like a smear piece because it makes it sound like DeepSeek is doing something that the others aren’t, while the truth is that ever single on of them collects your data.
At best, it’s disingenuous. At worst, with the ability to run locally, it’s a blatant lie.
I haven’t looked into running any if these models myself so I’m not too informed, but isn’t the censorship highly dependent on the training data? I assume they didn’t release theirs.
They got me, installed Mint a couple of weeks ago
I purged the Windows partition yesterday, fellt like pouring bleach on a stain…
I saw my first one the other day (outside of America).
The guy clearly is an American living here. It’s hard to put into words just how out of place it all looked, it’s like you picked up a palm tree, cocunuts and all, and plopped it down in the middle of Antarctica.