I can tell you that this applies to a lot of businesses and countries. At this point counting the ones that it doesn’t apply would be a shorter list.
I can tell you that this applies to a lot of businesses and countries. At this point counting the ones that it doesn’t apply would be a shorter list.
I’m sorry for the late reply. Life happens.
Having access to network or a material doesn’t give you unlimited rights. As for the JSTOR he didn’t have the right nor a permission to access for establishing a separate machine on the network to download everything. In simplest terms he abused his right in the wider term they charged him like a drug dealer because he didn’t have any reasonable excuse to do so because his access was limited by fair use. So trying to say he was free to use JSTOR is not a blanket excuse for anyone. By your definition any government employee has full rights to anything and everything they are given access to… Does that sound alright? No because it’s bullshit to claim you have unlimited rights to do anything and everything once you have access. JSTOR established to be an academic tool and source and it’s clearly stated that you can do so in a reasonable frame. To add to this subject US Copyright Law also doesn’t grant unlimited rights. That’s why academical establishments such as JSTOR can use copyrighted material under fair use clause. Now all this in mind downloading gigabytes of data which you can never be able read in your lifetime or study or research humanly possible is an abuse of that access right and fair use under the copyright law. Not to mention his laptop in the closet was sending thousand of request per second while being connected to an access point he was not allowed or approved to use.
I’m sorry to say this but they had him death to rights as they say. He was doing something he shouldn’t be doing and he was abusing his right to access. All those things you’re talking about his beliefs are just the butter on the bread or excuse my language but a nail on the coffin.
You want to believe he done nothing wrong and they did him dirty for his beliefs be my guest… But please don’t try to lecture me about legal framework about his prosecution.
Have a nice weekend.
I would like to clarify something so that there won’t be any misunderstandings. Law doesn’t require distribution or intent to distribute. Copying a copyrighted material without proper approval or license is enough. Which is what he did.
Below is the related section from the US Copyright Law, under section 506 Titled “Criminal Offences”:
(B) by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies or phonorecords of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000; or
As you can see they didn’t need his intentions to distribute it was a factor used not required. I hope I made it clear about why I don’t think it was because if his beliefs.
I wish you well.
I respect your opinion and let me say that I agree that his beliefs played a role but he wasn’t punished harshly because of his beliefs. He was made an example not because of his beliefs but because the people in charge at the time wanted to show that they are in control. You feeling strongly about how the prosecution put together their remarks and how they used his own remarks against him I understand. (I’ll tell you that I’m a lawyer with over 20 years of experience you want to believe me or not is up to you.) But I can tell you if they were doing it just because of his beliefs they could’ve charged him for each and every copyrighted material he downloaded from the servers. Considering he downloaded gigabytes of material in mostly text format they could’ve went an charge him for each and everyone of those. Just by doing that they could have easily finish his life with thousands of years of prison sentence and charge him hundreds of millions in monetary damages. Instead they turned it into one big case. You can check the law and see if it’s possible or not. In the end let’s agree to disagree. I wish you well and I hope that he is in peace.
Nope! They made an example of because they didn’t know how to deal with internet crimes so they decided he will be the scapegoat for their failures even though they knew his so called crimes didn’t require such harsh punishment. They went after him so hard to make an example out of him to warn others. If you think they did it because of his beliefs you’re doing injustice to what he went through.
It doesn’t matter what he believed. They wanted to make an example of him and build their carriers thanks to that example. The only people they went after this hard were Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.
I wrote that prompt and just asked it as it’s without any other prompts before it. You can see other people got the same same answer or try it yourself.
My new favorite is asking if it’s cheating to look at your opponent’s pieces in chess.
Or the customers who were children grow up?