It does. I use Proton (paid) and she uses Google. Guide here
It does. I use Proton (paid) and she uses Google. Guide here
I agree, but want to add Portainer. Compose in Portainer takes away the scary SLI/Terminal part.
At least for me, hosting stuff went from «I have no idea what I’m doing» to «This sort of makes sense».
Cheers! Will have a look when I have time
Oooo can you tell me more?
I have a UPS and it’s connected to and communicate with my Synology, but the NUC could also benefit from a safe shutdown in case of power outages.
I am not on a VPN and experience it with my phone, iPad and desktop sadly.
I’ve been trying to get into Searx for about a month now, but I just cannot make it work the way I want it to.
The auto-detect is constantly in the wrong country, sometimes throwing me to a random one if I search for a product e.g.
If I lock it to one country it works better, but then it excludes so much potentially useful data.
Any advice on how to set it up a bit to make it work better?
The private tracker I use has it for PC and PS4, including patch v1 01.
Let me know if you are unable to get it and you need some help. Otherwise best of luck and have a great day!
What’s the game?
I could have a look at least…
Yeah this mirrors my approach to it.
People can like Trump/Musk or dream of Marxism in practice. I am so far from both ideologies that I find it difficult to relate to either, and end up being called a traitor by the left and a triggered lib/loser by the right. Lemmy is in my experience quite left.
The political differences have become so extreme that I just avoid any debate at all and stick to the technical stuff and hobbies. My sanity is more important to me than trying to convince someone over the pond that they are wrong.
Honestly, I just try to live my life as the best person I can be. I’ve gotten to old to try to change anyone else. And I have had some great encounters here, so I am not going back to Reddit anytime soon.
Stay awesome, people!
I’d probably go for a small N100 mini-PC.
Should be plenty powerful for what you need, very low wattage and relatively trivial to get GPU pass through in Proxmox. Alternatively one of the more powerful versions.
This depends on how many cameras, resolution and frequency of course, but you should be able to see if others with similar setups have it running smoothly. You’d be limited on storage, but can set up NFS to your NAS or existing server.
I plan to use Surveillance Station in my Synology NAS.
Two PoE cameras on their own physical network. Everything is laying in the closet still as life just gets in the way, but hopefully it will be done this winter or spring.
I also have a Eufy 2k Doorbell camera with a hub for local storage.
None of it is for actual protection though, as burglaries are rare here. It’s only because I love tech and to capture interesting moments. I also plan on making time lapses because they are cool.
I agree.
It’s easy to forget how much time and dedication running a custom setup can cost, and that quickly drains whatever wife-acceptance-factor you had left.
Think of paying for a pre-built NAS less as just overpriced HW, but more as great software features that work out of the box and a dev team improving functionality for you every day.
It can host a plethora of containers with ease on the side anyways, and if you need something specific that requires more juice: build that on the side and tinker with it.
N100 mini-PC for instance can host anything but heavy game servers for <15W.
We seem to have followed a similar path, but I am quite satisfied. I do have a family though, so maybe that’s what does it….
It sucked making sacrifices in my 20’s, but looking at where I landed, I would not change it if I could. Would you?
Don’t get me wrong; We are nowhere close to rich, but we managed to buy a decent house and not having to wory about the price of groceries and the bills every month, and that’s all we really need.
Early 30’s for reference.
I agree with this, but would like to add for OP that diversifying is not always a bad idea.
I have a NAS that is mainly running as just a NAS with a few containers to help me download and categorize stuff. It has a AMD CPU, so no HW transcoding, so I added a N100 to host Jellyfin on the side. That little NUC can also run HA, Heimdall, PiHole, Tailscale or any lightweight container with ease. I do it with Proxmox LXC’s.
If I wanted to host game servers, I would probably build a server for that on its own anyways, just because it would be more power hungry and need modularity for future upgrades/changes.
I guess the point is that there is no «one server does it all» for me. I prefer to have servers more suitable for their tasks than having one beast doing everything alone. Makes it suck less when stuff breaks too.
Otherwise I think the comment above is on point.
Nope. I’ve given up trying to nudge people in, what we deam, the «right» direction.
If they don’t see any problem in giving away their privacy for convenience, then that’s their prerogative.
Hell, I am still unable to de-google completely myself.
Considering setting up a Matrix server for when Discord goes full entshitification. Maybe some will join then.
Which I think is good. Make it easy for people wanting to test FOSS to do so.
Anyone who knows what they are doing will figure out how to install F-droid soon enough.
I find it hard to critisize it for something that makes it so much easier to start with for anyone.
Not a problem. Google Play is still available, with all apps you have today. If you want to run that, then it works allmost like stock but with more control over everything. Only thing missing is Google Pay and I strugle with RCS messages. I never use SMS so I don’t care about that one and it could be just me.
Alternatively you can run Google Play Services in a different, sandboxed profile if you’re going for privacy.
Honestly mate, I am not a tankie or even politically left in my country, but when looking at the insane results for these enormous companies and the ever increasing greed with ads/price hikes, I’ve just had enough.
I know it’s not morally right to steal, but I refuse to support companies like Alphabet paying their CEO 200+ million a year. If they manage to block me out when skirting their ads, then I’ll find something else to spend my time on.
So you’re right, I just don’t care anymore.
I do pay for Nebula though!
That thought didn’t cross my mind, and you must be right.
I’d say go for a streamer of some sort as a solution. Not had many issues on the CCWGTV.
For me it is nothing. I don’t use the VPN and I own my domain, so I keep that if I ever change providers. The calendar works fine.
Ethically I have accepted that a comment was made by someone that should not have been shared, but I also accept that there is not a single company in the world where there are zero people with whom I agree 100%. The only difference is they don’t tweet about it. I am only fooling myself if I think changing providers will make any difference. Maybe the CEO of the next provider is a racist wifebeater…
Their service has been excellent, it’s European which I aim to support and their security is heavily scriutinzed as it’s open source. I sleep well giving them money for an great service.