Check out Neil Breen if you haven’t.
Check out Neil Breen if you haven’t.
It was clearly self inflicted…6 times…the day before the next hearing.
If you were a vulture, I’d assume you’d be looking for some sweet, sweet carrion. Maybe some water to wash it down.
You’re forgetting star trek discussions and memes.
Fooled again, it’s Chuck Testa.
Not necessarily agreeing with the article posted, but for all the people who clearly didn’t read the article:
That’s just one paper I found searching for far-UV. Seems to be many more.
Again not saying it’s 100 % safe or anything, but it looks promising.
The new FIFA.
I did enjoy The call of Cthulhu though. Not really scary, but I’m a Lovecraft fan (minus the racism/Xenophobia).
New pipe on the phone works pretty well. Better than YouTube ads. Although you can’t directly watch shorts without searching for them (as far as I know). I just watch those on Firefox with adblock.
Would recommend though.
That’s like $13 up here in Canada. But I’d assume they have the same sandwiches here. But wow, that’s outrageous.
I haven’t looked too hard. Hope not.
I haven’t tried today, but I hope it’s alright.
I like New pipe. Hopefully doesn’t affect it.
I didn’t see them actually say what was mixed with bleach, but can assure it’s ammonia. Although if that is the case, the chlorine gas that is (somewhat) generated reacts with various amines present to create chloramine gas.
Chloramine gas is what people die from when mixing bleach and ammonia. Chlorine gas will also kill you, but in these cases it’s chloramine gas.