Hell yeah, consumer win. I like selecting an item and it offers me changes or addition options that I never would have considered!
But really, it means they can hire less people so they gain profit anyway.
Hell yeah, consumer win. I like selecting an item and it offers me changes or addition options that I never would have considered!
But really, it means they can hire less people so they gain profit anyway.
I changed mine to all calls after a friend called 2am from a cell and I didn’t get it. Still only certain texts though
Side note: everyone called it Denali before Obama renamed it anyway, and everyone is doing to continue to call it Denali
Is retard a bait/dog whistle word?
I think they’ve taken into the category of fascist loving snakes now the way I understand it
Any tips or suggestions?
They also changed gulf of Mexico officially to gulf of America in Maps
I keep thinking I’m going to wake up. Or maybe this is hell. Hell wouldn’t be just torture, but also some dangling of false hope.
This one sounds more like the “real man” propaganda.
A real man behaves a certain way and can only wear certain clothes and do certain jobs and is respected by women.
You failed
In a 2-1 opinion, a panel of 2nd Circuit appeals court judges said the Pai-era FCC "order stripped the agency of its authority to regulate the rates charged for broadband Internet
It was their own fault to begin with hahahaha
Their message of “states rights” is gonna die so hard over the next years. GOP party of big government here to stay.
Google “Here are 5 million results that say you can’t bring a gun in your suitcase, and ONE that says you can”
Clown selecting the ONE result “I KNEW IT”
Google “Just because I have it doesn’t make it true!!”
I think you’re still missing the point. It’s a loss, it’s criminal, our government sucks. There is no win here. But AT LEAST it’s not another coal mine reopening or a new pipeline. This comment has nothing to do with why this is happening or trying to convince anyone it’s a good thing. Slow your attack
My guy, they’re going to power it either way on our dime. His point is better it’s nuclear than fossil at least.
Which is probably what they spend the most time and energy perfecting
Wait whaaaat? Is that deal over?
I would have done the 8 to 9 if I’d gotten the offer. I actually checked hopefully haha. The fact that you’re gold says you really make use of your device, making the upgrade worth more to you than others I’d imagine.
I like that they do favorable offers to people who support their services. I received an offer targeting Google One users, but it wasn’t as nice as yours!
I’d never heard of FUTO. It’s been around for a year and I can find so little information.
DNS or an app? How does it work?
“my account got hacked”
No, you gave someone your information they used to log in.