What a terrible app to clone…
he’s a b3aR… whos t1r3D…
What a terrible app to clone…
Does Lemmy have a “They did the math”? Neat thought experiment!
The author of this excellent article mentioned that we and by extension, our friends, all hate being on TwiXter etc. but cant figure out a day to leave or place to go. While I believe the ‘place’ should be figured out amongst yourselves and there are many excellent options getting better by the day, I will do the hard thing and choose a time to make it easier for you/us…
December 28th, 2024
Please be sure to have you destination decided ahead of time. Just like voting, I suggest you do it early and feel free to be a part of the advance team that straddles between the new location while still using the former ahead of the 28th.
I believe in you and know you can do it. Tell your friends. …and you’re welcome :)
edit: RSS is a great tool that will make the move easier
Diarium Encrypted, save local or your own cloud solution, good features, templates, time stamping, media, weather, etc. Been using it for years.
Sure. It can be “less” secure from a procedural perspective because it increases the complexity of the user accessing their info. The more difficult/complicated it is for the user, the more likely of user mistakes exposing their accounts in one way or another. Obviously there are password apps that allow for seamless login (some of those can also be problematic), which alleviates the complexity, but then you have multiple email accounts to manage on some level for the various services and websites you use.
End of day, if it works, it works, but it’s important to pay attention to your user experience while also taking in to account the various tools (strong pass, mfa, etc) when setting yourself up. If you get annoyed that you have too many emails to manage, you might be more likely to not log out, or not use mfa, etc.
edit wasn’t trying to say it was WAY more insecure to use separate emails, just that it probably wasn’t necessary if you have different pass and use mfa. Sometimes ‘more, better’ isn’t ‘more-better’.
They’d only have all account info if the passwords were also the same and you didn’t avail yourself of 2fa/mfa. It’s better to have different strong passwords/long passphrases and use mfa. Separate email accounts become their own vectors for account hacking, not to mention that any personal security scheme you have that becomes too complicated with multiple accounts to juggle is it’s own security problem.
Ahhh. That is good to know. Well, my most down-voted post will at least have taught me something. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
Huh, when i started in on Lemmy it seemed that emptying overgrown caches was the first step in troubleshooting app woes. Have they gotten to a place where this isn’t the case? Was i misinformed? Thunder seems to be more snappy now that i cleared it.
You’re one of the smart ones then. This message is for the rest of us
Fair enough. It was meant to be more, "hey everyone, I’m an idiot and thought my app was misbehaving then remembered that i needed to clear the cache. After deleting 3 and a half gigs it’s working very well again. The bit about regularly scheduled programming was probably more projection than anything else. :) Sorry if i came off sounding like a prick, if you heard me say it out loud, it would have been dripping with self depreciation. edit for spelling
… Is technology the wrong channel for cache-clear messages, are we not reminding to clear cache anymore, or is my tone being misinterpreted…? Truely interested
… Realest comment so far
Cheers. You turned me on to Leanpub too. Looking forward to diving in
I don’t know… Sounds like I’d have to trust another extension to do the user agent stuff in the background… I’m sure that’s a solid solution for a lot of use cases, but i might just keep my method for now.
How do you mean?
That’s pretty neat… I’ll look in to it. Than you for the info.
Good advice, but for how i have my workflow set up, it makes more sense for me to have it set on full amnesia. Vivaldi is what i use if i need persistence.
You know atuin is legit because the demo gif on their site is using GruvBox, the most bestest color scheme.