You’re awesome, thank you
You’re awesome, thank you
Cheers, thank you.
Just curious, are we sure the numbers reported are “net gain” and not “number of new subscribers”? Distinction being “number of new subscribers” would be all the people that signed up, and “net gain” would be all the people that signed up & subtract those that canceled?
Earnings reports are always full of word tricks to paint the prettiest picture so I’m just curious if we know the net number?
For example, all those articles that came out a week after the change went into effect were bullshit bc they didn’t take into account people who canceled and still had days left til their end of month, instead they only captured the 3 days after the policy change and Netflix got all the media to report this awesome stat for them.
Cool, I just did it to be safe, but wasn’t sure if it’s needed
Piggybacking, do I need to uninstall the web app on iOS and recreate it or since it’s a web app, does it not matter?
I’m still getting the update app notis but name didn’t change or anything so just curious.
(ELI5 please)
from the thumbnail, thought it was the Simpsons car haha