Do you know what makes hearing videos and stuff on your phone easier when you have hearing loss? Fucking headphones.
Yup. I’m Bo7a.
Do you know what makes hearing videos and stuff on your phone easier when you have hearing loss? Fucking headphones.
Why even type this out?
Do you just like arguing stupid points for fun even when you know yourself that you are wrong?
Have you never seen an automotive touchscreen before?
Even within one model/brand there are a ton of panes, and layouts. And even when you choose one layout, which apps are open changes the location and size of the buttons. Now add into that multiple brands, models, layout, and years… And your comment gets more worthless at every step.
Beyond that. The screen doesn’t use haptic feedback to tell you where your fingers are so that the parts of your brain that evolved to handle that kind of context can use it without your fucking eyes. ‘Oh I touched the round thing, I know there are 4 rectangles next to this’ is a built-in feedback loop that a touchscreen does not provide at this time.
Do you have problems with object permanence in everyday life? or just in your car?
I pay for yt family premium and Netflix but use neither of them on a regular basis.
My nephews grew up with a pretty shitty life. They don’t have a lot of fun things they can do in their situation. I figured the least I could do is give them YouTube music and some access to watch TV and movies on Netflix wherever they happen to be.
It’s the same reason my steam family is chock full of games I’ll never play.
Can we please be friends? I’ll make sure those lovely snacks don’t go to waste. I can bring two grackles, a bluejay, and a couple of raccoons to fill out the party. Oh, and my wife!
Has strawberry gotten any easier to theme? I tried a few years back and just couldn’t handle the aesthetics, and theming it seemed to only do some parts properly.
We’ve been married 15 years. If we use a first name to address each other it usually means we are out in public and trying to find one another. And that is only because if I shout ‘QD(cutie)’ 5 women will turn around thinking it is their SO so it isn’t super useful.
If you bugged our house you would think my wife’s name is Dear, QD, Darling, Beautiful, or “HOLY SHIT CHECK THIS OUT”. There is almost no chance you’d catch either of our real names on that tape.
popos tiling works this way as well.
In which way am I complaining? I am explaining why calling a valid solution a bandaid might be construed as belittling their very real knowledge of this process. And how that is a regular pattern in a lot technical fields.
And don’t give me this shit about ‘I’m not the person you were talking to’ This is an open forum not a direct/private message.
You can’t expect people who are knowledgeable about this stuff to just forever accept that someone asks for advice, gets told the solution, and then ignores/belittles the person with knowledge.
This is our daily life experience. We get hired to be experts, and get told by non-experts that our solutions are not tenable every single day. Only for that solution to eventually be accepted when the user in question figures out their idea was not useful and the expert was correct.
We have to put up with it at work, we are not obliged to accept it here.
Put your faith in AI - It’ll give ya shoes.
Disclaimer: Shoes may both be the same foot, have no sole, and/or no opening for a foot.
Ducati.ms will be your best friend.
Yeah, I’m a little bit too much into motorcycle forums…
And motorcycles!
Shameless plug for the triumph bobber forum and triumphrat if you are into those bikes.
Whoa! thanks for sharing your experience. Your work was definitely appreciated. 25 years later, mainly due to that silly need to play pirated cartoons for the kiddos, and a CD rom I pulled out of the trash - I am a sysadmin who wears an architect title, and I have built some amazing systems. Maybe if Caldera hadn’t been what it was I wouldn’t have been interested enough to make it work, and to realize a love for unixlike systems. So yeah. Thanks :)
Caldera linux 1.2.
Those days were magical.
I had just started my university days and I had two young kids who wanted to watch cartoons but we couldn’t afford cable. I ended up scrounging parts from the garbage bins in and behind the computer lab to scrape together a workable desktop.
If I recall correctly it was 333 MHz. Originally installed Windows 98 SE on it. But media would stutter no matter what I did, even if all other processes were killed.
A monk friend of mine (my university was geographically attached to a Benedictine monastery) asked me if I had tried Linux as it should be easier on the system resources and still allow me to play most media.
The rest, as they say, is history.
This kind of bullshit generalization leads me to believe this conversation wouldn’t go very far. I’ll stop here. Cheers.
I would argue they are. My reasoning for this argument would be pointing at the history of the working class.
What is your reasoning for saying they are not?
Roughly the same here. And yeah this hasn’t been a problem since the very first years. And even then it was just some config tweaks.
My brain which was forced to wake up every 3 hours to be sure my infra didn’t freeze at -32C last night disagrees with you.
Fuck winter.