I had that with “I don’t care about cookies” add-on.
I disabled it and then it blocked me for being from Europe. 🤷♂️
I had that with “I don’t care about cookies” add-on.
I disabled it and then it blocked me for being from Europe. 🤷♂️
Not really, Ubisoft.
Much like music, movies and TV, you just need to make sure your content is both available for purchase for people who don’t want a subscription and consistently available on a subscription service for those that do.
It’s when you start fucking around and taking them off again because somebody else is offering you more for exclusivity that we get pissed off and just pirate things. You can’t expect Assassin’s Creed Black Flag to still be making you a noticeable amount of money, but a subscriber can rightfully expect it to be on your service.
I’m of the opinion that if a game is on a subscription service, be it PSN or Game Pass, then it should stay there except in very extreme circumstances. A game can take weeks to play through, and it’s only going to take one large game going AWOL at 90% completion for me to sour on the whole idea.
OK, but that doesn’t make it affordable or relevant.
It’s like comparing a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. It doesn’t matter because the world runs on Toyota Corollas.
Additionally, VR lives and dies on software.
Self checkout is just fine, as long as you have enough of them.
Even better are the handsets you can take around the shop and scan as you go, as nobody wants to really be doing an entire trolley at the self checkout.
Yeah, as somebody with an ever growing pile of apps that stop working every time I upgrade my phone, I wouldn’t count on it.
If somebody doesn’t take it over and rebuild for every pointless Android change, it will eventually disappear.
Is it just a 70% smaller battery?
Not a cure, but does stop me seeing ads. And frankly of you don’t want anyone to know what you’re watching, you wouldn’t be on Netflix either.
But my point remains that Android TV is still a better legal media player than a PC.
Hell, my ethernet networking doesn’t support the speeds wifi6 supposedly delivered.
Realistically, as long as it’s faster than your internet connection, you’re unlikely to give a fuck either way.
I only upgraded to gigabit ethernet for game streaming from my upstairs PC.
Depends on the launcher you use.
Sad that Android TV boxes have better playback than PCs costing 20 times as much.
And on another note, why is it not backwards compatible with older apps?
I’ve got games and a bathroom speaker I can’t access because I got a new phone. Are we just expecting devs to sit there updating their apps forever to meet new stupid requirements?
Fuck the whole Android ecosystem. It’s completely broken from top to bottom.
Pretty benign as far as billionaire hobbies go.
The rest seem to want to run their own private space programs or worse, meddle in politics.
Which it almost never is.
Any data as simple as that is unlikely to reach a number of rows likely to cause an issue with performance.
When navigating a tree structure.
Processing files and folders, expression parsing, that kind of thing.
I’ve no idea why the factorial example is so popular, because it’s one of the worst use cases for it. Still, I guess it can teach a new programmer what a stack overflow is.
I find Burger King has the best pictures of the worst burgers.
Terrible food, even by the ultra low standards set by McDonald’s.
It’s that necessarily a good thing?
I remember suddenly needing a firewall on my PC back in the days of the Blaster worm.
Do we really want all those crappy IoT devices open on all ports to the general internet?