As a Log Cabin Republican I see NO PROBLEM With Republicans not only making GAYNESS illegal but making even the WORD Gay illegal! MUCH better then Lower Taxes and Equality under Democrats!
As a Log Cabin Republican I see NO PROBLEM With Republicans not only making GAYNESS illegal but making even the WORD Gay illegal! MUCH better then Lower Taxes and Equality under Democrats!
It’s gonna take MORE than all my kids DYING for me to LEAVE the Republican Party!
This is FALSE! Elon Musk would NOT Abuse the Government to line his OWN pockets! That’s what SINGLE MOTHERS WORKING THREE JOBS would do!
I now KNOW what Conservatives will do when they FINALLY get Epstein’s BLACK BOOK!
Put the People on CURRENCY!
I’m a Republican Voter who would NEVER vote Democrat because I’m a Republican but I APPRECIATE them Trying to cater to ME instead of their ACTUAL voters!
Good! That’s why I voted for TRUMP!
Oh no! Republicans are NOT going to like That!
Good. As someone who HATES Illegal Immigrants and FULLY SUPPORTS sending them to Guantanamo Bay I’m Happy allowing RICH WHITE PEOPLE into the Country to Steal American Jobs and Money!
I’m a Pro Life Republican and I’m just SADDENED that this Happened to a Rich person and NOT a bunch of Children in School!
It’s a Good Thing the Courts have been Holding Trump accountable with all their Consequences!
Good! How else will the Engineers, Researchers, Support Staff and Coders continue to Improve the Product if the EXECUTIVES don’t make More?
So? Elon Musk illegally FIRING Government Employees investigating his businesses is NOTHING compared to HUNTER BIDEN getting a JOB in CHYNA!
That’s because Republicans are NOT Nazis!
If you’re a Migrant and you’re NOT RICH then youre a CRIMINAL! And if you ARE rich you’re allowed to fire TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE despite being an Illegal Immigrant!
Not allowing President Elon Musk cut Childhood Education and Cancer Prevention so he can funnel himself $400000000 is WOKE DEI SOCIALISM!
Agreed! Making sure I receive my Life-Saving Social Security Payment is a Job for Teenagers to get their Feet wet! REAL JOBS are the people yelling at me on the TV that I can EASILY survive without!
That show was HORRIBLE! There was no DIVERSITY!
-Americans making DIVERSITY, EQUALITY, INCLUSION illegal!
But if Hackers get MY Information and Destroy MY Life that means they ALSO did it to a Black Person probably so that’s OK!
-NOT RACIST Republicans!
Jail time for using an App is called FREEDOM!
Uh oh! Republican Voters who will NEVER vote Democrat will NOT like this! And THOSE voters are MUCH more Important then Democrat Voters who vote Democrat!