Wishful thinking. So far this is cowardice.
Wishful thinking. So far this is cowardice.
No I just apply for jobs there and move on. If you’re reading posts on LinkedIn you’re internetting wrong.
10 out of 10
Yea the delta is important. And the mythical man month also counts ramp up time and not people just being generally incompetent.
Been through lots of engineers that can’t make it past ramp up, where everything is unpossible. Had many pms that couldn’t speak past the problem to save their lives so I feel that. But let’s be clear if there is a way forward don’t obscure the value. Don’t talk down. I work with post docs, principal engineers etc and they seem to be able to break down the problem, meanwhile lower level techs keep up with this shit.
Then half of your job is dealing with a shitty company and not being a developer. Half of your job is being wasted on overhead you can’t manage. That is half of your capability wasted on a lack of collaboration. How else to describe it than you are half the dev you could be while you blame everyone else. Shit as a director I’m not mixing words.
What you’re tracing the edges of is not being able manage complexity in a collaborative environment. If you can’t break the problem down part of is on the team but a lot of it is on you. If you want to architect a solution you have to be able to explain it.
That’s antithetical to you keeping on about how shitty (everyone else is) aka the other half of the world.
It’s pretty bad having to explain this to coddled engineers learning how the other half of the company works. Talking as if everyone else doesn’t get it while they can’t even perceive their own bubble. It’s not magic. It’s code. It’s nothing crazy so why be an asshole about it? Why do I get more bs from coders than I do contractors working on my roof? And don’t get me wrong the roofers piss in a shingles box and leave it for me to dispose… My grandfather worked on the Apollo missions so why is C# black fucking magic and suddenly you’re Gandalf? To YOU it’s magic. To the rest of us it’s a fucking job and you talk too much.
Again you aren’t responding to anything and making stuff up. The aweeehaaa stuff you quoted is nonsense you made up and took from the aether. You have no sense to your argument and your only substance is a picture of a donkey. Thats your strength?
Do I need to quote your pic of a donkey to make my point? You are not coming off as competent at all…
> Who did you copy? What’s the aweehaaa shit? is that *not* what you said? my mistake.
As someone else said you have offered the “most cursed take of the day”
Keep on like my reply is the “donkey show”… whatever that is supposed to mean… you’re giving us the show.
You replied to someone else, while you called my response a “donkey show”… all while spewing more dumb shit. Keep up.
Who did you quote? What’s the aweehaaa shit? Are you fluent in jackass or just a native idiot and trying to justify your stupidity?
Either way it’s cool. We see you from a mile a way. Real code gets used from folks that are better than you. Reality is that you don’t get along with humans so they don’t want to want to get along with you. So the world works different. Get a clue.
We know what it’s like to work with you. You are obvious and we are fluent in reading you.
I’ll give you up to ten years to figure out how toxic you are. Hee haw all you like…
Keep your opinion to yourself while you try to work with OTHER people.
“As a dev myself…”
“Users of my code = donkeys”
Logically, where the fuck does this end other than you sucking your own dick? Just write code for yourself and shut up.
Keep in kind I’m using logic to ask a dev…
Why WOULD ANYONE need to hear your opinion if you think EVERYONE else is a donkey?
They’re fat and lazy enough already. Last thing we need is an SE thinking they sit on IP and the rest of us can fuck off. You write code that others defined and you work WITHIN a system. You are the equivalent of a translator who speaks Spanish. You don’t work magic. Everyone else works in systems we are all asked to consider the business logic beyond simple tasks so fuck off with your snowflakes. I work with so many engineering VPs that you just come off as “special”. You are white gloves special people who demand handling that no one else requests, and for why? Why do you deserve special IP concerns?
Seriously I am tired of engineers being gate keepers while the other two legs of the stool keep this shit together.
Seriously engineers get your shit together as we are all making a product together and you don’t own any more shit then a pm and that’s saying something.
So never right?
If the assumption is that a PM holds all the keys…
Almost like dealing with real engineers…
Use kodi for last mile?
VLC is great as a file playing app, terrible as a home server…
Now that’s a headline!
Think of it as a function you can unleash on others…
Aka “I have zero responsibility here.”
We are talking about about engineers whose careers are based around abstractions.
It’s funny how accountability is just ignored so that certain folks get to feel good.
Having worked in tech companies for decades, I’ve never once felt comfy with letting computer science majors just take the wheel… but I’m sure someone think this hits “hard”.
Historically it’s blamed on UX. PMs don’t create products they run MS Excel.
The gators are everyone that interacts with your code.
Game consoles
Yea I can dig it. All the more reason for the mayor to have a backbone and force the issue. And a Streisand effect won’t matter in DC given what you say as the area is saturated. Meanwhile any mention nationally has as much travel as DEI right now. The story should be the fight not capitulation.