I asked it “Write a pitch for unionizing my office” and it replied with about 10 paragraphs of pro-union text
I asked it “Write a pitch for unionizing my office” and it replied with about 10 paragraphs of pro-union text
Mastodon is adding a feature that will tag links with Fediverse ids. So if I post an article link, and the news site has the special meta tag, the. The journalist’s Fediverse is will be linked below the article’s embed in my post.
This is probably an effort to help journalists find their audience on independent social media, which would help the whole ecosystem.
It’s funny because the Cybertruck is the Fortnight of cars
Why do I get the feeling this is Steven’s commit?
Promotion-packet driven development
I wonder if this winds up with revenge porn no longer being a thing? Like, if someone leaks nudes of me I can just say it’s a deepfake?
Probably a lot of pain for women from mouth breathers before we get there from here .
Nah, Prettier on save.
I much prefer to have all my framework tools half-implemented with no searchable documentation by a guy who quit 6 months ago .
No more dependency hell from one package needing libsomething.so 5.3.1
and another service absolutely can only run with libsomething.so 4.2.0
That and knowing that when i remove a container, its not leaving a bunch of cruft behind
I don’t know about the new ones, but ReiserFS was a killer back in the day.
Strong disagree. It’s a lot easier to find a job when you have a job.
deleted by creator
Does Jellyfin support skip-intro and skip-credits?
I download books from my library with Libby and they don’t expire while airplane mode is on.
Since a lot of books have a wait and Libby lets you delay delivery, I queue up a bunch of books while I’m reading. When I’m done with my current batch, I turn off airplane mode, check out a bunch of books, and then turn on airplane mode just before it’s time to return the first one.
I do this like every 6 months.
But I still need a host to know where to retrieve the comment from. A GUID on its own doesn’t help if my instance hasn’t seen that comment. So if there’s a host already on the comment id, why bother with an ugly long GUID?
I just play it on a desktop browser, hard to say what $2 is worth to you.
Yeah, but as you progress it becomes a bit of a thought experiment about AI.
Whelp, time to waste another 4 hours on Universal Paperclips
The interesting thing to me is that you can code and share your own feed sources. This means you can integrate APIs, or even scrape sites.