Location services work inside the stations, and then from that known point the accelerometers, compass, cameras, mics, and other sensors will get you plenty close enough precision between stations
Location services work inside the stations, and then from that known point the accelerometers, compass, cameras, mics, and other sensors will get you plenty close enough precision between stations
Hah i should’ve read the other comments first, you already wrote basically the same thing i did
Using very old generation pixel phones would probably be a LOT cheaper than multiple pieces of specialized hardware. Also presumably Google is the one creating the ai that actually makes the system do anything, so naturally they’re gonna use their own devices
Which is also not technology.
This is definitely not technology
The only thing changing here is the way cables are going to be labeled, the tech itself is staying exactly the same.
And on top of that, the author was generally correct for most situations, but usb (and especially usb c) truly has replaced a ton of separate connectors with a single standard. And it’s very likely to continue to replace even more as time goes on
No it wouldn’t. Meta just stopped selling the very expensive Quest Pro because the very affordable Quest 3 moved massively more units. Almost no one wants a VR headset that costs more than a thousand dollars because the 300 buck devices already do almost the exact same things
Seriously, the mods need to step. This is a technology community, not a business community.
Is this actually a post about technology? I feel like more and more posts here are about business or politics rather than about technology. I don’t give a shit about business, i just wanna see stories about technology.
I think they’re looking for something portable so they want the device to be as small as possible
A consistent 30 fps would be great
Dual boot is a misnomer, you can put as many OSes on a disk as you like
And like your link says, you could even run them in virtual machines
Wait, you’re swapping hardware to switch to a different OS? Why? Just make a dual boot system
Intent matters but not if the intent was to deceive. If the act had all the elements that represent giving a gift, then legally it WAS giving a gift. Otherwise all gifts could be taken back at any time just by claiming that it was actually a joke.
That’s called theft. Legally a gift is irrevocable once it’s given.
Extends too far from the wall, has sharp edged rim
No way that’s up to code
My guess is he was doing it for the cred and the thrill. Any old joe shmoe can burn a disc copy after it’s already being sold to the public