Plus AI is actually happy to answer your random questions, with an immediate response. Stack overflow will quickly become obsolete as AI gets better
Plus AI is actually happy to answer your random questions, with an immediate response. Stack overflow will quickly become obsolete as AI gets better
Everything you listed are common sponsorships. I have never bought a YT sponsorship, so there’s no argument there. But affiliate links are more than just those sponsored posts. Amazon is a commonly used affiliate program. For example, someone might link to the tools they use and like. I watched a carpenter who linked to the tools he used, and it was also an affiliate program. He wasn’t paid by anyone to link them like a sponsorship, he was just sharing in his experience what tools he likes best. If I trust his judgement in tools, and want to buy the same ones, assuming camelcamelcamel shows it a good price and checking around doesn’t find it cheaper, why wouldn’t I want them to get a cut of that purchase?
A couple things, some of the plaintiffs listed appear to be business, and not users anyway. Regardless, I cannot imagine it would be difficult to find someone who made money via affiliate links and also never used honey
There aren’t creators you like and think they deserve some of the cut? If there isn’t an increase in price, then that just means less of the money is going to the business, and some of it is going to a creator you enjoy.
Exactly. The forced arbitration is for Honey users. These random people with affiliate links are not Honey users.
What’s not to get? He made his password 7 asterisks. Funny, because it’s the same as mine.
It’s pretty damn close to being an absolute. As someone who has never been involved in an adulterous relationship in any form, I would never get with someone who has cheated. They have shown they are absolutely willing to violate an intimate partners trust, lie about it, and leave them (likely with little to no guilt). If they can do it once, they can, and likely will, do it again.
Passionate love and Companionate love are two different things. And passionate love never lasts forever. If you’re with someone who is willing to cheat to find that passionate love, then when it dies with you, they are likely to go on to the next short term passionate love.
If you want to make the argument that someone cheated in a relationship with an abusive partner, there are still substantial red flags there. Without showing how they’ve made great strides to be a different person (therapy, self improvement, etc) I can’t see them being a trustworthy long term partner. And there is no way someone could have made those improvements if they went from one partner immediately to the next.
Sorry about your luck, but it just so happens your local government doesn’t agree with this opinion. You’re now going to be jailed and beaten until you’re formed, at which point you will be killed. Big brother is watching you
So, run Chromium?
That is the coldest take I’ve ever heard.
According to the Article:
Google in Russia has been inactive since 2022 after the search giant effectively pulled out of the country following Putin’s special military operation.
They didn’t start with that fine, it was just compounding interest
The court imposed a fine of 100 thousand rubles ($1,025) per day, with the total fine doubling every week.
And regardless, Russia can’t block Google’s operations in Russia because Google isn’t operating in Russia since the war. Russia is trying to fire Google when Google quit 2 years ago.
The most popular games will likely continue to get pirated, all this will do is guarantee that some small vintage games are lost to time.
Even worse. I’ve checked out digital eBooks and digital audiobooks from my local library. And I listened to those audiobooks for FUN. The AUDACITY!
Audacity is what I used to record those audiobooks so I could listen at my own pace, btw.
May I could check out a paper copy of those bits, would that be okay? Then it’s not a digital copy
I answered your question on another thread of the same topic, but I’ll answer it here too for anyone else who has the same question: The law is just about digital backups. Vintage stores are still legal, and if anything this would boost sales at a vintage stores. If the game you’d like to play is unavailable at a vintage store or on eBay (or wherever else) then it will be entirely inaccessible for you to play legally.
As someone who may or may not have stripped DRM from library books, they certainly never seemed to care about that. And it was never even to share, but rather to store for myself so I could read it at my own pace. And the worst part… I read it for RECREATIONAL USE
You’d better not also be reading books for fun. By their logic, any recreational use of books from a library should also be considered illegal.
300 million AWS api calls costs $1.00. If they lost even 2 sales because people could just use HA instead, they 100% lost more money in subscriptions than the cost of AWS api calls
It was removed because Google did away with manifest v2 for browser extensions, and uBlock Origin worked almost entirely from a feature provided in manifest v2. So it was removed because it can no longer work on chromium devices, unless the browser manually adds back in support for it. Firefox has chosen to continue to support manifest v2, so the original uBlock origin is still available. uBlock lite is still available in the chrome store, and uses the new manifest v3. It is more limited in it’s capability, but should be able to get the most obtrusive stuff. The lite version is definitely not nearly as powerful as the original.
On a side note, it seems to me like the link still works for now. Idk how much longer that will last.