Shhh, Spirit Airlines is listening.
Also at @[email protected]
Shhh, Spirit Airlines is listening.
I have a piece of luggage that I love. It is, to within an inch in each dimension, as big as any airline I fly will let on as carry-on (I’ve seen people carry on larger, but mine is within the stated limits). I can carry it fully packed to the point of nearly bursting, and have done so when one of the wheels was broken.
But it has wheels, so if they’re functioning, why shouldn’t I use them?
Conde Nast doesn’t have an interest in driving away their readers, and AI bullshit absolutely will drive them away. They know this. Ken Fisher is the editorial lead for AI at Conde Nast (not just Ars), and said as much in the comment section.
AI is absolutely fucking things up on a grand scale in all sorts of industries, but as of right now, Ars is relatively safe and I don’t think we need to inflate the scale of the danger.
Tesla, Neurolink, The Boring Company, and Twitter are for sure all somewhere between over-valued meme stocks (at best) and scammy shit-heaps (at worst).
SpaceX, however, is actually doing good and cool stuff. Not that it doesn’t have any problems, it’s still owned by a moron.
Not sure how that would work since SpaceX is a private company. Pretty sure he would have to take SpaceX public first.
He will have to sell a rocket-full of Tesla stock though.
I’m not so sure Ars has a vested interest in OpenAI. I actually read through 10 pages of comments. Ken Fisher was pretty active in them, and noted several times that Ars doesn’t see any of the money from this deal.
Unless you’ve never heard a recording or seen a video of yourself, I’m going to go with no.
I have T-Mobile and don’t have this toggle, so it’s not all accounts.
Edit: Well, ain’t that some shit. I have it in the app, but not online.
Some ROMs include this by default. If you’re rooted, there’s also apps that can do this as well.
Any app I’ve found that can do this requires rooting. Some ROMs include this by default.
Google does not include this setting.
I assume you got voted down because Boost isn’t FOSS, which is true. But it’s still good.
I moved to Boost from Sync (also not FOSS) when it began to look like the dev had abandoned Sync. Boost felt like the closest app visually and in using it.
I’d prefer something FOSS, but inertia is real and I’d been using Sync for a long time.
Got me started on Feedly. Still haven’t left, although I’d be surprised if I still had more than a couple of the same feeds from then.
Rinsing them well is the path of pain only if the water is too hot.
It’s not necessarily washing them first, but I do get the “chunks” out. As the only person in the house who remembers that the food doesn’t just magically disappear, and eventually has to clean the filter, I prefer to do the cleaning before the food gets to the filter. Everyone else, on the other hand, seems perfectly content to put a half-full bowl of spaghetti in the dishwasher.
I think at some point someone paid me and I just never cashed it out. I think it was the default payment method for Google Play, so app subscriptions and whatnot just got charged against it until there was almost nothing left.
Oof. Big dumb. Thanks!
The fun part is you still can’t transfer out less than $1. I had 81¢. So I tried to transfer in 19¢ so I could transfer a whole $1 out.
Nope, can’t transfer in less than $10.
I was able to transfer in $10 so I can get my $10.81 out. But fuck, Google, if you’re the one shutting shit down, how about you let me transfer my money out regardless of how much/little there is?
And full text!
Oh man, I want that back.