What a coincidence, a game friend was just talking about receiving some high end perfume as a gift from her son and she was disappointed that it smelled like soap.
Older millennial nerd.
What a coincidence, a game friend was just talking about receiving some high end perfume as a gift from her son and she was disappointed that it smelled like soap.
Looks about right for an Adobe/Microsoft software package.
My 9 year old has been obsessed with Spore YouTube videos lately and he asked for it for Christmas. Picked it up for $2 and he has been constantly talking about his species and the plans he has. Best bang for my buck Christmas present ever.
Fun fact: the Mars bar is marketed as a Milky Way in the U.S. There was a Mars bar in the U.S., but it had almonds. It has since been rebranded as Snickers Almond.
Fucking phones, how do they work?
If you’re ever a victim of these crimes, make sure to dial 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3.
We’re living in the strangest timeline.
As someone from Maine, I wish articles would specify Oregon in their titles when mentioning Portland. I mean it was named after ours.
That is NOT what I learned from The Offspring.
How is a meme newsworthy?
Because resuming from mute or pause has less delay. Particularly if using a CD or bluetooth audio.
I’m lucky that my Subaru has it right. Left right are back forward and up down is volume. My only complaint is that the button in the middle is mute, rather than pause. I can pause CDs, bluetooth audio, and even live radio. Why in hell would I ever choose mute over pause?
Nice day.
I go ahead and download the right one immediately. Then I make sure I’m seeding to a ratio of 1 or at least past the minimum seed time for the tracker. And as long as there are a few seeders, delete.
I was thinking upper peninsula, as in Michigan. I wouldn’t be surprised if the story was from there.
I’m from the coast of Maine, so lots of boat talk in my world. I once heard someone refer to another person as a “scupper cunt.” I’m still not sure what that means.
Me, an American, searching the pile for the least shitty, but definitely shitty diaper.
There is one for bra that’s close: over the shoulder boulder holder.
This comment deserves an upvote more than OP.
More like a Monty Python.