Ha! Same thought at pretty much the same time. Good to see you fellow elder.
The switch from NiCad to the mass adoption of LiPo was pretty revolutionary in my eyes. That might just be me showing my age though 😅
I’ve seen this one which may fit what you’re looking for. No idea about open source firmware though.
This one might work for you too.
Really though, if you’re already spending money on a smart switch, you should probably just replace the outlet, other switch, and faceplate with decora (rectangle style) versions while you’re at it. It’s only going to run about $10 total for all those. Plus you can then use a smart switch that meets your firmware needs.
iMessage is the iPhone’s default texting app. It comes preinstalled on all their phones.
Ahhh WordPress Engine. I was so confused as to how Wallpaper Engine got tangled up in a class action suit.