Piracy isn’t theft though.
That’s exactly what corporations want people to think about piracy.
In addition to what you wrote, piracy is also a form of dissent against copyright laws.
Piracy isn’t theft though.
That’s exactly what corporations want people to think about piracy.
In addition to what you wrote, piracy is also a form of dissent against copyright laws.
I gave an example, I don’t necessarily think that’s the case here. Just not a fan of portraying piracy as a general “bad thing” that is only reserved for corporations.
I’m not from the USA, and I do support my local library :)
But there’s barely any music there and even then it’s mostly local.
RED and OPS has things that are currently impossible to find anywhere else.
Plenty of indie content from Bandcamp on RED and OPS.
For some people piracy is also about archival and preservation.
Looks like they have an even easier to use web app.
Although it’s limited to single files under 200 MB.
It’s a neat idea, but I feel that something like Magic Wormhole would be simpler and better for this.
I guess it’s convenient if everyone in the group is already using a torrent client.
Seems to be a recent thing, as I was looking at data from Feb 2023, and unrelated to Norway’s use of renewables.
Interesting article nonetheless.
They should definitely cone to a different pricing agreement with Norway as to not negatively affect them.
And it will be even less of a problem once those countries properly ramp up their installation of more renewables and storage.
Iowa and South Dakota rely mostly on wind and are amongst the states that have the cheapest electricity in the USA - https://web.stanford.edu/group/efmh/jacobson/Articles/Others/24-08-Letter-Vance.pdf
List of countries and states and their % of renewables: https://web.stanford.edu/group/efmh/jacobson/WWSBook/Countries100Pct.pdf
It’s certainly true it’s easier when you have hydro though.
Hasn’t Sci-Hub been frozen since 2021?
Norway has one of the lowest. And they don’t have only 62.7%.
99% of their energy comes from renewables.
And in the USA, some of the states with lowest prices have the highest % of renewables.
Send the DOI to a science nexus search bot on Telegram and you’ll get the paper.
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Can’t help much since I haven’t tried running a Matrix server in a while now, but are you using Conduit or Conduwuit?
Conduwuit is in much more active development and has more features implemented and bugs fixed.
You could also try opening an issue on Github / ask them on Matrix.
Renewables + storage (batteries, etc.) can be more than enough. And you can get that in a much lower cost, at a much faster time than nuclear.
The same person has also published studies and plans for 100% renewables in the USA and in the world.
Grid reliability in the USA with 100% renewables
All of which he updates every couple of years.
He also posted a list of the top 10 states by electricity demand met by renewables (Which is also in the linked pdf).
There’s also a list of countries by renewables percentage, but it’s from 2021:
Dendrite doesn’t support sliding sync afaik https://github.com/element-hq/dendrite/issues/3236
Other than Synapse, I know Conduwuit has sliding sync support.
Neat! Glad to hear
Yeah they’ve done a good job with their documentation.
I was tempted by it several times already to try some features I didn’t even consider using.
That’s a weird comparison to make. The Aptera is smaller and uses different materials.
Afaik it’s going to be classified as a motorcycle in many states in the USA, but they’re still aiming for a high rating. I know they have crumple zones and a safety cell made from composites akin to F1 cars.
Whether what they’re planning will be enough, we’ll only know for sure once they test it.
The math works quite well as long as the information is accurate.
Of course things can always turn up to be different in the end product.
But from the information we have now, ~4 hours of good sunlight conditions will be enough for 43 miles.
I read your post and understood it.
Why would you reply without trying to understand what I wrote?
Piracy/copying isn’t theft.
Not all countries see copying as theft.
And neither does the platform we’re currently using (Lemmy).