The cost of living is still outrageous compared to then even when you adjust for inflation. There also weren’t the same mega corps running every facet of your life while providing the cheapest crap that will never last
The cost of living is still outrageous compared to then even when you adjust for inflation. There also weren’t the same mega corps running every facet of your life while providing the cheapest crap that will never last
I’ll wait when i see an actual product. I’ve been hearing about the wonders of graphene for the better part of a decade at least now.
Lol lemme pay for something i can get free.
Any new extensions for Android worth checking out? The ones before that were available mostly fit my needs.
It was definitely more akin to one of those awful phone lines where you have to say something to progress than someone pressing buttons
I ran into an AI order taker at a checkers. It was very weird and generally a bad experience
Idk if it has good soccer stuff but its never let me down on anything else.
Bugs happen man. Software and technology is not perfect. Sometimes it requires human intervention like customer support. I understand. It’s frustrating that they have business hours. But would you rather deal with some random dude who can’t actually do anything for you because they’re so limited? Cuz that’s what a lot of 24-hour customer service lines are. It Is just some person who is just there to placate you and escalate your problem to someone who can actually do something about it. Or would you rather just wait? I mean you actually said
I guess it’ll work after a while.
Which seems pretty obvious Indication that you don’t have a problem waiting to resolve this even though you want it resolved now.
I mean yeah I guess a bug is clearly mildly infuriating. But it’s also a bug. And the way your title is phrased, it’s like PayPal is intentionally preventing you from removing your card. Which it doesn’t seem to be pointing to here. Like I could imagine if they don’t want to let you have no cards on your account without completely closing the account. But the message would say something like that. Like "you’re required to have at least one valid card on your account. " The message isn’t just going to say something like “please try again later” unless its a bug. That’s just telling you that a bug happened and you may need to contact customer support to resolve it.
Which is short-sighted.
The studios did not have to build their own services. And a lot of them willingly pulled their shows from places like Netflix to build their own services. And there was enough players in the game at the time when Netflix began dropping a shows that someone else like prime or hulu was willing to spend a lot of money to pick them up.
From my point of view, even if overall it was potentially less money. That doesn’t factor in just the cost of operating your own content. They have to hire a whole new division to develop the website and app and streaming service and pay all those people. Or they could have just sold it to someone else to do all that work. And said we know what we have. We know you want friends on your service. Lol.
And even on top of that studios had no idea how lucrative streaming services were going to be. So they should have just renegotiated better contracts for the content they were selling. A lot of them ended as it was which is when they got pulled from places like Netflix. And I absolutely guarantee you Netflix would have been able to pay way more for something like Parks and rec or the office if they wanted to. Because Netflix knows just a sheer numbers game on those types of shows.
I just for the life of me cannot understand why all these companies thought it was a good idea to invest the time, money, resources, infrastructure, maintenance, and so many other things into developing their own service. Instead of just pawning off their content to some other sap who has to do all that shit for you. And making them pay you a pretty penny because you know they want your content. It’s just such incredible short-sightedness from companies that are constantly just chasing the biggest dollar. Like if anyone thought about it for a minute, all these companies would see that it wasn’t worth it to develop these services. They got scared cuz Netflix made some of its own good content. But realistically, if they just calm down they would have realized that Netflix can’t make bangers forever. And they’re still going to be invested in buying content from you. These big company should have gotten together and figured out how to reduce the price of cable so people fucking sign up for it and keep watching the mass amount of fucking ads.
At&t offered my 5mbps lmao. Idk what they are digging for
Google fiber has been supposed to be coming to the west side of Atlanta for like 10 plus years. Hasnt an expanded at all . Yet they still keep that message coming soon to your neighborhood up. And somehow where I am only one option available. Fucking shitty Comcast
Like thousands upon thousands of dollars to run cable because the infrastructure doesn’t exist at all. And yes, ISPs are absolutely to blame for rural internet issues. They don’t see it as a valuable investment so they don’t want to expand to those areas because it’s such a small community and instead put the burden on the community. Even though the government subsidizes the shit out of them for them to do specifically stuff like this. They don’t have enough rules they have to follow.
And sure, I’m sure we’ll be able to hold ISPs responsible reasonably well overnight and that will fix rural people’s problems overnight. Starlink is really good for a lot of people. I’m not saying it’s good for the environment or space. But it helps people who basically have no way to connect with the greater world connect.
Where can I buy DRM free digital media please? Because as far as I know, there’s not many large or easily accessible companies that most people are familiar with that offer that.
“@lemmy.WORLD” deleted for not being about US politics lol
Just a reminder that anything digitally bought you don’t own. The company you bought it from. Can do whatever they want with it. But you do sure as hell ownon a Blu-ray
I know a lot of people have issues with Elon musk. But starlink really has been an incredible game changer for people in rural areas or places where it’s not practical to get cell or internet service. My parents live on the side of a mountain in Colorado where there’s no cell service and it would have been thousands of dollars to run an internet line. Starlink has completely changed the game for their connection to the outside world and with us. I’m sure this will be even better for them.
It is a completely different ball game in 2024 and you’d have to be blind to not see it. The power and influence companies have in 2024 dwarfs what any company had in the '70s. Especially with the adevnt of the Internet. So I’m sorry there’s just no comparison here. It may have been tough for a lot of people, but like you said, they had a chance to rebuild. People barely even have a chance to get started these days.